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I really feel like I'm spamming this forum, with my many questions. Though I've really searched this one out, and can't find the problem.


Setting the cookie is no problem, I'll give you the files:



<for action='cookie2.php' method='post'>
<input type="radio" name="kleur" value="green" /> Groen
<br />
<input type="radio" name="kleur" value="blue" /> Blauw
<br />
<input type="submit" />





$kleur = $_POST['kleur'];
$expir = time()+ 60 * 60 * 24 * 60;




This is all good, because when I check my browsers cookies I see the right value.


Now when I retrieve the cookie data, all goes fine too!

I fI echo the cookie, I get 'green' or 'blue'.


Now, I want to implement this in a file, and here's the real problem:

$sort2 = $_GET["sort"];
$_SESSION["sort"] =  $_GET["sort"];
$sort = $_SESSION["sort"];

$_SESSION["month"] = $_GET["month"];

$dekleuris = $_COOKIE['uploadskleur'];
$kleurachtergond= $dekleuris;}

$kleurachtergrond = '#cdaae7';}
$kleurletter = 'white';


This "$kleurachtergrond" I will use later on in the page to show which items are active.

So if there's no cookie set, no problem, the second "$kleurachtergrond" shows (it's a light-purple). But If my cookie is set, it is transparant. I've tried doing it with eg #111111 , I've tried with or without apostrophes, I've tried without the semilicons ( {}, and ofcourse then I wrote one single line after the if), I've tried many possibilities, and I can't seem to get to the solution...

The if(isset[blabla)) works, because I've tried it with solely echoing the cookie and that worked..


This is my first cookie, so I was delighted that my browser got a cookie from my site, and I would be even more delighted if it worked!

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Looks like you have typed the variable name wrong on this line:


$kleurachtergond= $dekleuris;


Should it be $kleurachtergrond like it is in the ELSE section? So the whole thing is



$sort2 = $_GET["sort"];
$_SESSION["sort"] =  $_GET["sort"];
$sort = $_SESSION["sort"];

$_SESSION["month"] = $_GET["month"];

$dekleuris = $_COOKIE['uploadskleur'];
$kleurachtergrond= $dekleuris;
$kleurachtergrond = '#cdaae7';

$kleurletter = 'white';

if you encounter this kind of problem

try to debug the problem by print out the variables

try to copy and paste the variable from the error line


debugging is trying to look for value, if they are the proper value



the best programmer is not coding, they are debuggers

try to find out the run time problem, and solve them

coding is simple, finding problem it complex, try to learn to be a debugger (tester)


the main role of debugging is look for correct values in the variable, (use copy paste from error line, and echo that variable in php, echo all variable from that line)

Oh my bad, I put in the wrong file here.


$sort2 = $_GET["sort"];
$_SESSION["sort"] =  $_GET["sort"];
$sort = $_SESSION["sort"];

$_SESSION["month"] = $_GET["month"];

$dekleuris = $_COOKIE['uploadskleur'];
$kleurachtergond= $dekleuris;}

$kleurachtergrond = '#cdaae7';}
$kleurletter = 'white';


SO no problem there



I also see I mde a type in my <form>, but it is correct here. Sorry about that




And at the last reply; this is weird, when i type

$dekleuris = $_COOKIE['uploadskleur'];
$kleurachtergond= 'white';}

$kleurachtergrond = '#cdaae7';}
$kleurletter = 'white';


The colour isn't white but it's also transparant...

So I guess there's something wrong with my if and else...

But what then?

What the hell is this?


$sort2 = $_GET["sort"];
$_SESSION["sort"] =  $_GET["sort"];
$sort = $_SESSION["sort"];


Shorter and easier to read:


$sort = $_SESSION["sort"] =  $_GET["sort"];


The same goes for:


$dekleuris = $_COOKIE['uploadskleur'];
$kleurachtergond= $dekleuris;


$kleurachtergond = $_COOKIE['uploadskleur'];


PS I know about "copy-on-write" still doesn't mean it can't be clean.

What the hell is this?


$sort2 = $_GET["sort"];
$_SESSION["sort"] =  $_GET["sort"];
$sort = $_SESSION["sort"];


Shorter and easier to read:


$sort = $_SESSION["sort"] =  $_GET["sort"];


The same goes for:


$dekleuris = $_COOKIE['uploadskleur'];
$kleurachtergond= $dekleuris;


$kleurachtergond = $_COOKIE['uploadskleur'];


PS I know about "copy-on-write" still doesn't mean it can't be clean.


Yeah I know..

But I'm rescripting all my pages, and then I recode it all (check everything, see if I can shorten anthing, if something is useles, if something is missing, put it in a good lay-out,..) and then it should all be better :P Because that was written in the beginning days of my scripting and I wanted to be sure it worked, so using $_POST[] and $_GET[] made me feel more sure :P

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