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HI all


I know, my first post and already begging for help.


But the thing is, I have a wordpress site right, and in it a contact form using the php mail function to send mail. One one server it's all fine, but on another it's not working. I contacted the webhosts are suggested t them that it might be something in MXentry settings, but they refuse to believe that. They keep asking me what smtp settings I'm using and what email server has been specified.


can anyone shed any light on it for me before I get back to them?




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just u check these basic things first for that domain

telnet <host name> 21


if this shows some error then that host cannot send mails ordinarily.

if u are using an smtp server check whether the smtp server has any ip restrictions placed.


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The mail server should be on the webserver where you are hosting the site. The mail transer agent is probably sendmail or exim. It will have nothing to with your MX record. By the sounds of it they are trying to help you with sending mail from your own pc, not from your website.

The first thing to check is the mail headers that are being used in php's mail() function. Some servers require additional switches or the mail will not go out. If you have a control panel on your hosting account I would assume you can access the mail log and see any errors.

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The mail server should be on the webserver where you are hosting the site. The mail transer agent is probably sendmail or exim. It will have nothing to with your MX record. By the sounds of it they are trying to help you with sending mail from your own pc, not from your website.

The first thing to check is the mail headers that are being used in php's mail() function. Some servers require additional switches or the mail will not go out. If you have a control panel on your hosting account I would assume you can access the mail log and see any errors.


Cheers for the reply. yeah the website is in the same server. it's the place i work for to be honest and for some reason they have no access to the c-panel, only the people who run the entire server do. i asked for access to it, but haven't gotten anything back. i asked them to have a look at the mail log like you suggested. hoping that will show whatever problem it is.


thanks for the help!

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Btw, This is the message I got from them last:


I’m not up to speed on php but like any application that wants to sendor receive email you must specify an email server. Are you aware of what email server has been specified?


I'm not abel to answer the guy really. All I know is, I use the same wordpress theme, with the same wordpress plugin on another server and had no problems. But with this server I am. I can only think that its something to do with the php function. problem is that I can't explain anything well enough to this guy so he'll actually listen to me...any help?

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ok, just got this reply from them:


Ok, I think I have got to the bottom of this. You are using php5 as oppose to php4. Php5 is now setup for an smtp relay through our smart host antispam2.barlan.ie Mark thought he already set this up.

In your sendmail php file you will need to specify who the mail is being sent from



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ok, still not working despite him saying that he sorted it. he's asking me to do something i never had to do on other servers with the same plugin: edit some php file to have a send address.


anyone have an idea whats he's talking about?

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