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Please Help me with fetch content from 2 sites in one code.


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I am fetching movie timings from yahoo showtimings.

way yahoo has its code setup, I can fetch

  • Movie name
    Movie Title

To fetch movie poster it is impossible I think to fetch from the same code from the same page,

so I am using another site which allows me to fetch image result from their site, {google img ripper},

but thing is I must put image fetch code in same code as movie name, title, timings.

output such as

  • Movie name
    Movie Title

can only be printed on screen by echo command.

so I was thinking of using like


 $image 'code to fetch image from tht site';
echo "$image";


Please help me,

if you want I can explain you better if you didnt understood me

Thank you.

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yes I did mean tht

forgot =.


I made this script which fetch movie shows times from yahoo showtimes,

it fetches everything other than movie poster.

so I decided to fetch poster from another site

this is part of code


$number = has code to fetch the movie name from yahoo showtimes,

so I am using  $number to search and fetch movie poster from tht site

this is the test file for tht


currently this test file is searching for


so thts why it is showing some random image.


so I want to comeup with code like either include this test.php file into my movie fetch code and echo it.

or write code to fetch within the file and echo tht.


hope this make more sense.

Thank you again


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