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If clause code returning unexpected results

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I'm getting some weird results with this code and need some help to see if anyone can see what's going wrong.  I've got an "if" clause for each day of the week that is being displayed on a detail page.  Friday, Sunday and Monday are displaying fine but Tues, Sat, Wed and Thurs are not displaying.  There's a separate column for each day of the week and I've scoured over the column settings and all of them are the same.  I've also confirmed the spelling on the column names in the code numerous times and all are correct.  I also tried "else if" but it was the same result.  Here's the code:

                                          if ($row_rs_track_details['fri']=="Y") { echo Friday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['sat']=="Y") { echo Saturday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['sun']=="Y") { echo Sunday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['mon']=="Y") { echo Monday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['tues']=="Y") { echo Tuesday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['wed']=="Y") { echo Wednesday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['thur']=="Y") { echo Thursday;


I'm using this same type of code in another place on the page with three columns and it seems to be working fine.



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This is what I used:


echo $row_rs_track_details;


I guess this might help too, here's my query:

$colname_rs_track_details = "-1";
if (isset($_GET['trkname'])) {
  $colname_rs_track_details = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['trkname'] : addslashes($_GET['trkname']);
mysql_select_db($database_conn_tracks, $conn_tracks);
$query_rs_track_details = sprintf("SELECT * FROM tracklist WHERE trkname = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_rs_track_details, "text"));
$rs_track_details = mysql_query($query_rs_track_details, $conn_tracks) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rs_track_details = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_track_details);
$totalRows_rs_track_details = mysql_num_rows($rs_track_details);

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Can you tell by the query what I should echo?


No, because your using a wildcard * instead of defining the fields you want.


What does.....


<?php print_r($row_rs_track_details); ?>



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Umm. From your first post, the values that are not working are the - $row_rs_track_details['sat'], $row_rs_track_details['tues'], ... values, so I'm not directly sure why you are trying to echo the $row_rs_track_details array because you would need to be using print_r() to do that (i.e. what thorpe just posted.)


I suspect that your code is doing exactly what you designed it to do and that there are no "Y" values stored in the columns for the days that are 'not working'. You have not exactly provided any evidence showing what you are getting and what you should be getting.

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Well it's not displaying on the "details" page.  As mentioned it's really weird because some of the days do display and some don't.  As you can see by that output the "Y" is definitely there but it doesn't display "Saturday".  The only days that will display are Friday, Sunday and Monday.  I wondered if it might just be a display problem and not a data problem but I widened the div where it displays and that wasn't the problem.  I just can't figure out why some of the days won't display, especially now that it looks like the code is working.  It's not a case where it's a font color blending in to the background either because each of the days are displaying in the same div on the respective "details" pages.

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To get help with what your code is (or is not) doing, you need to post your code, from the point where the query statement is being formed through to the last line of the code that is producing the output that is not working.


You probably have an if(){} statement that is overwriting the value instead of testing the value.

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Thanks, OK here's all of it.


if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") 
  $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;

  $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);

  switch ($theType) {
    case "text":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "double":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL";
    case "date":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "defined":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
  return $theValue;

$colname_rs_track_details = "-1";
if (isset($_GET['trkname'])) {
  $colname_rs_track_details = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['trkname'] : addslashes($_GET['trkname']);
mysql_select_db($database_conn_tracks, $conn_tracks);
$query_rs_track_details = sprintf("SELECT * FROM tracklist WHERE trkname = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_rs_track_details, "text"));
$rs_track_details = mysql_query($query_rs_track_details, $conn_tracks) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rs_track_details = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_track_details);
$totalRows_rs_track_details = mysql_num_rows($rs_track_details);
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  <div id="content_straight_grey_repeating">
    <div id="under_construction">
      <div id="address_bkground">
        <div id="rounded_top_address"></div>
        <div id="address_white_stretch">
          <div class="trk_name" id="trk_name"><?php echo $row_rs_track_details['trkname']; ?></div>
        <div id="trk_size"><?php echo $row_rs_track_details['trksize']; ?> Mile</div>
        <div id="trk_surface">Surface -
                      if ($row_rs_track_details['trksurfacedirt']=="Y") {
				  echo Dirt ;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['trksurfaceasphalt']=="Y") { echo Asphalt ;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['track_type_both']=="Y") { echo Both;
        <div id="trk_phone">Track Phone - <?php echo $row_rs_track_details['trkphone']; ?></div>
       <div id="web_address">Track website: <?php echo $row_rs_track_details['trkwebsite']; ?></div>
        <div id="directions">Directions: <?php echo $row_rs_track_details['location']; ?><pre>
<?php print_r($row_rs_track_details); ?>
        <div id="address_bottom_round"></div>
        <div id="divisions_wrapper">
          <div id="divisions_top_round"></div>
          <div id="divisions_straight_white">
            <div id="regular_night">Regular Race Night: 
                      if ($row_rs_track_details['fri']=="Y") { echo Friday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['sat']=="Y") { echo Saturday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['sun']=="Y") { echo Sunday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['mon']=="Y") { echo Monday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['tues']=="Y") { echo Tuesday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['wed']=="Y") { echo Wednesday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['thur']=="Y") { echo Thursday;

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Hi Thorpe,


Yes, I did read it but forgot to answer it, I'm trying to echo the "Saturday" as text it's not a string.  I just want it to say Saturday instead of Y.


I agree, being new at this I have an easier time figuring out hand code than I do with Dreamweaver but I just don't have the knowledge to completely hand code a site yet.


Should I move this thread then?

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I'm trying to echo the "Saturday" as text it's not a string.


Text is stored in strings. Unless you have a constant called Saturday defined somewhere (which would be ridiculous) then Saturday needs to be within quotes.

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I also just tried it as a string for the heck of it and still got the same result.  Here's what I used:



		$saturday= "Saturday";
                      if ($row_rs_track_details['fri']=="Y") { echo "Friday";
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['sat']=="Y") { echo $saturday;
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['sun']=="Y") { echo "Sunday";
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['mon']=="Y") { echo "Monday";
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['tues']=="Y") { echo "Tuesday";
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['wed']=="Y") { echo "Wednesday";
				  if ($row_rs_track_details['thur']=="Y") { echo "Thursday";

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