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Ok hello,


Be great if someone can correct this for me, I'll appreciate it.


$getid = safe_query("SELECT cupID from ".PREFIX."cup_matches");
while($dd = mysql_fetch_array($getid)) $id = $dd['cupID'];


mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches`
        ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `einspruch`;") 
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches`
        ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `einspruch`;") 

OR die(PREFIX.'cup_matches <font color="red">failed!</font><br> You have already updated to V4.1.4b!<br />');
echo '<center><h2>Successfully updated to V4.1.4b!</h2><br><a href="index.php"><b>View Site</b></a></center>';

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Not sure what your question is or what kind of error you're getting, but for starters, in both query's, you're terminating before the closing quotes.

mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches` ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `einspruch`;") else 
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches` ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `einspruch`;")

Should be:



Also, "if" and "elseif" statements need curly brackets:


if(something = true) {
...do somehing...
} else {
...do this instead...


Hope that helps.

Try this:

$getid = safe_query("SELECT cupID from ".PREFIX."cup_matches");
while($dd = mysql_fetch_array($getid)) $id = $dd['cupID'];

if(is1on1($id)) {
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches` ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `einspruch`"
} else {
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches` ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `einspruch`"
OR die(PREFIX.'cup_matches <font color="red">failed!</font><br> You have already updated to V4.1.4b!<br />');
echo '<center><h2>Successfully updated to V4.1.4b!</h2><br><a href="index.php"><b>View Site</b></a></center>';

$getid = safe_query("SELECT cupID from ".PREFIX."cup_matches");
while($dd = mysql_fetch_array($getid)) $id = $dd['cupID'];

if(is1on1($id)) {
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches` ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `einspruch`") ;
} else {
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches` ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `einspruch`"); 
OR die(PREFIX.'cup_matches <font color="red">failed!</font><br> You have already updated to V4.1.4b!<br />');
echo '<center><h2>Successfully updated to V4.1.4b!</h2><br><a href="index.php"><b>View Site</b></a></center>';

Not sure what your question is or what kind of error you're getting, but for starters, in both query's, you're terminating before the closing quotes.

mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches` ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `einspruch`;") else 
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches` ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `einspruch`;")

Should be:



Nope. Because that would mean a syntax error :)


mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches` ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `einspruch`"




Also, "if" and "elseif" statements need curly brackets:


They don't. But it's best to write 'em.

havenpets and Karl, there is a problem with both scripts you posted. Syntax error I assume. I tried this:



$getid=safe_query("SELECT cupID FROM ".PREFIX."cup_matches");
$ds=mysql_fetch_array($getid); $cupID = $ds['cupID']; 

$ergebnis2=safe_query("SELECT 1on1 FROM ".PREFIX."cups WHERE ID='$cupID'");

if($dl['1on1'] ==1) {
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches`
            ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `einspruch`;") 

OR die(PREFIX.'cup_matches <font color="red">failed!</font><br> You have already updated to V4.1.4b!<br />'); 
echo '<center><h2>Successfully updated to V4.1.4b!</h2><br><a href="index.php"><b>View Site</b></a></center>';


mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches`
            ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `einspruch`;") 

OR die(PREFIX.'cup_matches <font color="red">failed!</font><br> You have already updated to V4.1.4b!<br />'); 
echo '<center><h2>Successfully updated to V4.1.4b!</h2><br><a href="index.php"><b>View Site</b></a></center>';


No syntax error but adds "1" for each row.


I'm trying to add a 1on1 column to my cup_matches table and insert value "1" if ID in the cups table has value "1" in the 1on1 column or insert value "0" if ID in the cups table has value "0" in the 1on1 column. Does that make sense?


I believe the mysql_query must be changed? Changing


ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `einspruch`;")


to something like


ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '$dl['1on1']' AFTER `einspruch`;")


make sense .. but won't work.

I'm trying to add a 1on1 column to my cup_matches table and insert value "1" if ID in the cups table has value "1" in the 1on1 column or insert value "0" if ID in the cups table has value "0" in the 1on1 column. Does that make sense?

Not really.


I believe the mysql_query must be changed?



my question does not make sense or is this rather complicated to do?

The latter.


Did I answer your questions? Those were the only questions I found. Did I miss any?

Neither IMO your db just has a very bad design.

You seem to say peoples db design is always bad? :)


Would you be posting any questions on these forums if you had a great application- and db design? Presumably not, as most projects people are working on have a medium difficulty but mostly pick an over-complicated solution probably due to a limited knowledge of the subject domain.

(See post above and this is the current code:)



$getid=safe_query("SELECT cupID FROM ".PREFIX."cup_matches");
$ds=mysql_fetch_array($getid); $cupID = $ds['cupID']; 

$get1on1=safe_query("SELECT 1on1 FROM ".PREFIX."cups WHERE ID='$cupID'");

mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches`
            ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '".$dl['1on1']."' AFTER `einspruch`;")

OR die(PREFIX.'cup_matches <font color="red">failed!</font><br> You have already updated to V4.1.4b!<br />'); 
echo '<center><h2>Successfully updated to V4.1.4b!</h2><br><a href="index.php"><b>View Site</b></a></center>';



Problem: Adding incorrect value for added column at cup_matches table. (Adds 1 for all rows)

Column "ID = 1" at _cups table -> 1on1 = 0 so it should add this column with 0 value if ID = 1 and cupID = 1.

ID = cupID

You need to loop over each of your fetch_arrays() if there are more then one possible hits, and then use a WHERE. Or write an advanced query.


That's what I thought but I have no idea how to do this... can you help me do this please using the existing code I posted previously?

I'll appreciate it alot. Been stuck with this for the last few days... and haven't got very far :(


Well this is German style, I have no idea what is good and what is bad.. but if it works, it works :)

You'll probably say this is terrible and laugh but I'm just trying different ways..



$getid=safe_query("SELECT cupID FROM ".PREFIX."cup_matches");
$ds=mysql_fetch_array($getid); $cupID = $ds['cupID']; 

$ergebnis2=safe_query("SELECT 1on1 FROM ".PREFIX."cups WHERE ID='$cupID'");

if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'alter'){

safe_query("UPDATE ".PREFIX."cup_matches SET 1on1='".$dl['1on1']."' WHERE cupID='$cupID'"); 
echo '<center><h2>Successfully updated to V4.1.4b!</h2><br><a href="index.php"><b>View Site</b></a></center>';

}elseif(!$ds['1on1']) {
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".PREFIX."cup_matches`
            ADD `1on1` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `einspruch`;")

OR die(PREFIX.'cup_matches <font color="red">failed!</font><br> You have already updated to V4.1.4b!<br />'); 

redirect('?site=update&action=alter', '<center>Now sorting rows</center>', 0);

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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