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anyone could provide an example on how to compare 2 images in image magick would be greatful.


i need it 2  compare and make sure the 2 images are exactly the same image. even if it has been cropped,sharpened,blurred(of any sort),feathered,grey scaled,Rotated,flipped,mirrored.



im learning image functions in class and would like to impress my professor with such a script.


-much appreciated.



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$resource =new Imagick();
$image= $_POST['image'];
$image_two= $_POST['image_two'];

$resource->imagick_isimagesequal( $image, $image_two); //line 7

Edit: ok i left out the comma its fxed now but i get "Fatal error: Call to undefined method Imagick::imagick_isimagesequal()"

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ok revamped the code


//image 1
$image= $_POST['image'];
//image 2
$image_two= $_POST['image_two'];
//connection 1
$im1 =new Imagick();
//ping first image
//read first image
//second connection
$im2 =new Imagick();
//ping second image
//read second image
//compare both images
imagick_isimagesequal( $image, $image2); 


"can not execute pingImage() on a non object"


"can not execute readImage() om a non object"


anyone see where im going wrong :confused:

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did some fixing of code my variables werent matching up and were throwing undefined errors which went undetected till i put error_reporting on  8)


now the only problem is i keep getting "undefined method Imagick:: imagick_isimagesequal()" on line 21. which is the following line....


 // compare connection
  $im = new Imagick();
  //compare both images
  $im->imagick_isimagesequal($image, $image2);

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im making progress i just need help with  connecting both $im1 and $im2 to the compare function :confused:



ini_set("display_errors", 1); 
  //image 1
  $image = $_POST['image'];
  //image 2
  $image_two = $_POST['image_two'];
  //connection 1
  $im1 = new Imagick($image);
  //ping image 1
   //read image 1
  //second connection
  $im2 = new Imagick($image_two);
  //ping second image
  //read second image
  //compare both images (trouble getting it to connect)

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Before anyone asks this yes PECL and Imagick are both enabled and running on my web hosts server.


i have fixed my code it all works except this line.

imagick_isimagesequal( $image, $image2); 


and i am pretty sure it is throwing an "undefined" error because i have not connected any resources to it. the problem i have is that i can not find an example on how to exactly use this function or how i would connect both image  and image_two to it.


ini_set("display_errors", 1); 
  //image 1
  $image = $_POST['image'];
  //image 2
  $image_two = $_POST['image_two'];
  //connection 1
  $im1 = new Imagick($image);
  //ping image 1
   //read image 1
  //second connection
  $im2 = new Imagick($image_two);
  //ping second image
  //read second image
  //compare both images (trouble getting it to connect)
imagick_isimagesequal($image,$image_two);//throws undefined error 

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  • 2 weeks later...

according to a regular on the imagick forum i am using a newer version of imagick and the compare function has been deemed obsolete.


i am using imagick 2.3.0 .


can i use the following imagick functions to achieve what i need?


Function Parameters                          Description

CompareLayers  method=>{any, clear, overlay}  compares each image with the next in a sequence and returns the minimum bounding region of any pixel differences it discovers. Images do not have to be the same size, though it is best that all the images are coalesced (images are all the same size, on a flattened canvas, so as to represent exactly how a specific frame should look).



Layers    method=>{coalesce, compare-any, compare-clear, compare-over, composite, dispose, flatten, merge, mosaic, optimize, optimize-image, optimize-plus, optimize-trans, remove-dups, remove-zero}, compose=>{Undefined, Add, Atop, Blend, Bumpmap, Clear, ColorBurn, ColorDodge, Colorize, CopyBlack, CopyBlue, CopyCMYK, Cyan, CopyGreen, Copy, CopyMagenta, CopyOpacity, CopyRed, RGB, CopyYellow, Darken, Dst, Difference, Displace, Dissolve, DstAtop, DstIn, DstOut, DstOver, Dst, Exclusion, HardLight, Hue, In, Lighten, LinearLight, Luminize, Minus, Modulate, Multiply, None, Out, Overlay, Over, Plus, ReplaceCompositeOp, Saturate, Screen, SoftLight, Src, SrcAtop, SrcIn, SrcOut, SrcOver, Src, Subtract, Threshold, Xor }, dither=>{true, false}


compare each image the GIF disposed forms of the previous image in the sequence. From this, attempt to select the smallest cropped image to replace each frame, while preserving the results of the animation.





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