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PHP timing out?


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I have searched and searched for an answer to the following question but have been unable to find an answer. I even searched these forums. Perhaps I am searching using the wrongs terms. Well here is the question.


I have a PHP script that executes a large mysql query (60,000 separate entries for 1 individual with up to 200 individuals selected at a time) and the PHP script immediately returns a blank page. I'm sure it's not an error in my script because it works for smaller queries. Is doing a query of this size possible?

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If you get a blank page you may have an error and have error reporting switched off. Make sure it is switched on.

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);


Also, performing such an operation may be more suitable via the command line rather than trying to execute through a web browser.

Your script may exhaust the allocated memory limit or exceed the max execution time limit.

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I used the code to turn on error reporting in case it was off, but I still get a blank page. It's almost like the php script isn't even attempting to run. And I would do this through the command line if I could, but I'm creating a website for users that have no programming experience at all, so that they can pull the information from the database using a webpage.

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