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CSV Upload using MySQL


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Hi everyone,


I have a page where my client can upload a CSV and the data then populates a table in the database. Here's my code:


//Upload new data from CSV
$sqlcsv = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '".$_FILES['file']['tmp_name']."' 
			INTO TABLE members 
			(fund_indicator, employer_indicator, name, surname, pension_number, id_number, date_joined_company, date_joined_fund,
			 date_birth, benefit_calc_date, current_annual_salary, gross_monthly_member_contrib, member_contrib_percentage,
			 gross_monthly_comp_contrib, empl_contrib_percentage, monthly_avc_contrib, total_avc_contrib, transfer_in_amount,
			 withdrawel_benefit, early_retire_date, early_retire_benefit_amount, normal_retire_date, normal_retire_benefit_amount, 
			 late_retire_benefit, retrench_benefit, ill_health_benefit, death_benefit, spouse_pension, child_pension, housing_loan
//30 fields
$resultcsv = mysql_query($sqlcsv); 


This works perfectly fine for a smaller size file but as soon as I upload a 38MB file, it doesn't seem to do anything. It just hangs. I've changed the settings on my server to allow for large files. Is there a better way to do this?


Also, is there a way to have a upload progress bar of some kind to indicate how far the upload is?



Thanks in advance!



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The only information your browser can supply is an indication that the file is/was being transfered, it does not know what happens on the web server after the file has been received. So I'll ask again, does your code contain any error checking and error reporting logic to get it to tell you if the upload worked or not or if the mysql query failed and returned an error?

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Thanks for your continued help! This is my full code:


//Upload new data from CSV
$sqlcsv = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '".$_FILES['file']['tmp_name']."' 
			INTO TABLE members 
			(fund_indicator, employer_indicator, name, surname, pension_number, id_number, date_joined_company, date_joined_fund,
			 date_birth, benefit_calc_date, current_annual_salary, gross_monthly_member_contrib, member_contrib_percentage,
			 gross_monthly_comp_contrib, empl_contrib_percentage, monthly_avc_contrib, total_avc_contrib, transfer_in_amount,
			 withdrawel_benefit, early_retire_date, early_retire_benefit_amount, normal_retire_date, normal_retire_benefit_amount, 
			 late_retire_benefit, retrench_benefit, ill_health_benefit, death_benefit, spouse_pension, child_pension, housing_loan
//30 fields
$resultcsv = mysql_query($sqlcsv); 

exit(header("Location: success.php?type=csv_updated"));


All I have is an exit header sending the user to a success page. How can I implement the error checking to troubleshoot this?

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For debugging purposes only, to try and find out what is happening once the file has been uploaded, add the following code immediately after your first opening <?php tag and post the resulting output -


ini_set("display_startup_errors", "1");
ini_set("display_errors", "1");
echo "<pre>";
echo "POST:";
echo "FILES:";
echo "</pre>";

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You need to try different methods to pin down what is happening.


1) Try a browser other than IE.


2) Temporarily comment out the msyql_query() statement to see if the problem is caused by the mysql portion of the code.


3) Putting a header() statement inside of an exit() is highly suspect. Exit() expects either a string or an integer value from the parameter. Header() returns void. Use a separate header() statement followed by an exit; statement (I do vaguely remember someone doing something similar and the resulting server response created a problem for IE.) Also, if that is all the code on the page, there is no need for the exit statement at all and/or why not just put the success logic on the same page where you process the form?


4) That cannot be all your code because there is nothing to make the connection to the database server. Something you might be doing in the code leading up to the code you did post could be causing the problem. When you are having a page-wide problem and you don't post all your actual code, it takes forever to solve problems.

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