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hi again, sorry that my first ever forum entry was so vaguely composed.


my question is, if the target column in the MySQL DB is a "tiny init", will the following html checkbox give me a "1" if checked, or "0" unchecked?

<input name="subscribe" type="checkbox" id="subscribe" value="true" property="boolean" >



Here's my PHP:







if(isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']))


    $user = new User();












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I'm not sure where you got the property attribute from for that input tag, I've never heard of it.


That will give the value of 'true' as a string if you use $_POST['subscribe']. Since it is a checkbox though the value will not be submitted if it is not checked. As such you can use a simple check to get a boolean representation...


$subscribe = isset($_POST['subscribe']) ? 1 : 0;

hi CodeCanyon

I'm giving it ago in the following fashion:



<?php  class User extends ConnectToDB 


  public function newsletter($subscribe = isset($_POST['subscribe']) ? 1 : 0; 


      $ps = $this->db->prepare("Insert into users (subscribe) values (?)");




      return ($ps->rowCount() == 1);





Anybody, please let me know if this looks totally wrong.

Not sure what values to set the column within "users" table however.


Thanx a mil CodeCanyon


a.) Who in the hell is CodeCanyon?  :shrug:

b.) The isset code wouldn't normally go in the function declaration, you would normally place it wherever you are calling the function newsletter. Having said that you have a syntax error since you do not close the brackets for newsletters parameters (after 1 : 0).

sorry Cags, got you mixed up with some advert at the bottom of the page.

I kept getting errors after placing the code you gave me into "register.php" - something i'm doing wrong.

The attached files give me a result at least, but there's no differentiation between whether the checkbox is checked or not... 


Here's the html

<form name="join" action="register.php" onsubmit="checkEmptyFields()" method="post">

<input name="subscribe" type="checkbox" id="subscribe">

<input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit"  >



p.s.  What do i owe you for helping me on this one?

thanx, George



[attachment deleted by admin]

I realise what you did with the name, it just amused me :).


In register.php, line 25 contains...




...replace that with...


isset($_POST['subscribe']) ? 1 : 0))


Technically you don't owe me anything, but my beer fund is always appreciative of donations ;)

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