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issue with if clause and includes


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Hi there


I'm banging my head against a wall and could really use some advice.... :confused:


I am trying to include on a page one of two include files based on a simple criteria.

if (!isset($loginok)){
          include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/phpscripts/login.home.php';
} else {
          include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/phpscripts/logout.home.php';

In another file I set $GLOBAL['loginok'] = 'Logged in';

(The other file checks for user name in DB etc)

And after logging out I use unset($GLOBALS['loginok']);


But no matter what state the $loginok value is in it will only show one of the include files.


I've tried using $_SESSION variables that are set as well because I know they are se,t but they have the same result.

The files login.home.php and logout.home.php are two little forms for display on the index.php page. I use seperate login.php page if a user navigates to a page that they are required to be logged in for.  This all works well.

I just want to show a logout button on the home page or a login box on the home page based on the users state...very fustrating :)


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It's set in access.php


if (databasecontainsuser($_POST['username'], $password))
	$_SESSION['loggedin'] = TRUE;
	$_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username'];
	$_SESSION['password'] = $password;
	$GLOBALS['loginok'] = 'Logged in';
	return TRUE;
} else {
	$GLOBALS['loginerror'] = 'The specified user or password was incorrect.' . $email . $password;
	return FALSE;
	$password = md5($_POST['password'] . 'xxxx');

I've tried using isset on the $_SESSION variable above too but it has the same effect.



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And is access.php included into your original script?


I've tried using isset on the $_SESSION variable above too but it has the same effect.


Did you have session_start() before trying to use the $_SESSION array?

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