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Hi all,


Just wanted to know if you can point us in the right direction.


I have created a folder on the c drive outside my wwwroot folder called myImages and am trying to output the data on my webpage. The ImageURL field contains the pathname, so it would contain "c:\myImages\nameofimage.png"


I have the following code, and the webpage is just showing garbage, any ideas what I am doing wrong?


Many Thanks all




		$filePath = $MyDetails_row->getField('ImageURL'); 

		echo $filePath;
		header('Content-type: image/png'); 
		header('Content-length' . filesize($filePath)); 
		readfile($filePath); ?>

Hi Guys,


Thanks for this, sorry the echo $filePath; was there as a mistake, just making sure it had the correct path.


Tried both of the code options and both interestingly give me the same 'garbage' briefly looking at it. I definately have png file stored in that location as I thought it was the header details. Any other ideas?



This is what I have tried so far


Many Thanks

$filePath = $MyDetails_row->getField('ImageURL'); 		  
header('Content-type: image/png'); 
header('Content-length' . filesize($filePath)); 	
echo stream_get_contents(fopen($filePath, "r"));


$filePath = $MyDetails_row->getField('ImageURL'); 		  
header('Content-type: image/png'); 
header('Content-length' . filesize($filePath)); 
echo file_get_contents($filePath); 

Thanks de.monkeyz,


should have looked harder at the headers- had a feeling it was there. OK, got rid of the garbage but now I get the infamous red cross (which you get on sites with images missing). again checked filePath to make sure it has "c:\myImages\myimagename.png" in it, which it does. Any else Im doing which I shouldn't be?



If view source is only showing that, the png image seems to be empty. That I THINK is just the binary code of the start of any png (I just tried the code with my own png and it showed that at the start). Since there should be A LOT more output than that


This is the type of output you'd have


Hi Guys,


This is what the output is saying....



<META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type></HEAD>

<BODY><IMG src="http://localhost/the_folder/testdisplayimage.php"></BODY></HTML>


I'll put the errors messages on and test with some other images; got to head out for a meeting now thank you so much for your helps guys - hoping to suss this out later.....

perhaps it might be time to test the image itself.


1. temporarily put a copy of the png file in the same folder as your php script

2. make a simple php script

$file = "nameofimage.png";
<IMG src="<?PHP echo $file;?>">


if its a valid image file it should display.


If it does display, then is it possible that PHP cannot access the 'above root folder"?


(you also might create a simple txt file in the 'above root folder' and do another test where you create a simple php script to read the txt file) ie the old standby 'Hello, World'


just an old guy's musings



Hello again,


I'm back and i've decided to change the imagetype to jpg for testing purposes to see if it behaves differerently. my new code is now

$filePath = $MyDetails_row->getField('ImageURL');		  
		header('Content-type: image/jpg'); 
		header('Content-length:' . filesize($filePath));
		echo file_get_contents($filePath); 


I've also turned errors on the page like PFMaBiSmAd suggested. In I.E 8 I do get garbarge like what you showed but no image. In FireFox I just get http://localhost/foldername/testdisplayimage.php displayed in my browser. When you did your test, were your images outside the webroot folder?


Thanks Jalz

ok here goes,

this is from the jpeg version as the png dont even display this but works ok when the png is in the webroot folder


I'll only attach a page worth of garbage as im sure you dont want all of it?


Thanks all again



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Is this correct: With the header() statements commented out, you get the contents posted in Reply #17 and with the header() statements in the code you get a broken red-x image? Does that exact same image file work when it is placed inside the document root folder?


What does a phpinfo(); statement show for the magic_quotes_runtime setting (I see a few \ in the data that could be escape characters)?

Hi PFMaBiSmAd,


The magic_quotes_runtime setting is switched to off.

Copied the exact image into my webfolder and changed the filepath so it is 'ajkimage.png'. With the headers commented out, I get the gibberish, with them included in the code I get a red cross. This is in I.E 8. FireFox says the image in http://localhost/folder/testdisplayimage.php cannot be displayed as it contains errors.


I get the same results when I try a change the filePath to the image that is outside the webroot.

This is my entire php file which I am using to test this feature. It may look a little strange, as it is connecting to a FileMaker database, but the connection etc all work; Just cant get the image to display


ini_set("display_errors", "1");error_reporting(E_ALL);
require_once('Connections/dbConnect.php'); ?>

$MyDetails_find = $OO_Secure->newFindCommand('Members');

$MyDetails_result = $MyDetails_find->execute(); 

if(FileMaker::isError($MyDetails_result)) fmsTrapError($MyDetails_result,"error.php"); 

$MyDetails_row = current($MyDetails_result->getRecords());

// FMStudio v1.0 - do not remove comment, needed for DreamWeaver support ?>

		$filePath = $MyDetails_row->getField('ImageURL');	
		//$filePath = 'ajktest.png';	  
		header('Content-type: image/png'); 
		header('Content-length:' . filesize($filePath)); 	
		echo file_get_contents($filePath);


Exiting and entering php like that for no reason could be the reason, change it to this:

ini_set("display_errors", "1");error_reporting(E_ALL);

$MyDetails_find = $OO_Secure->newFindCommand('Members');

$MyDetails_result = $MyDetails_find->execute(); 

if(FileMaker::isError($MyDetails_result)) fmsTrapError($MyDetails_result,"error.php"); 

$MyDetails_row = current($MyDetails_result->getRecords());

// FMStudio v1.0 - do not remove comment, needed for DreamWeaver support

         $filePath = $MyDetails_row->getField('ImageURL');   
         //$filePath = 'ajktest.png';     
         header('Content-type: image/png'); 
         header('Content-length:' . filesize($filePath));    
         echo file_get_contents($filePath);


Notice I even removed the final ?> which is valid and prevents any accidental output after the php


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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