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what is wrong with my code??? it works perfect on my computer but ive tried on a few others and it doesnt work. im giving links to 2 images - 1 on how it displays on my screen, and 2, how it displays incorrectly on others. In the 2nd image the bottom half of the bottom image is cut off because I took a screen shot and it couldnt keep the whole thing in the screen cause of the large white space in the middle that shouldnt be there. ah.


the code is as follows


<table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
	<td colspan="3"><img src="gfx/tv_ticker_top.jpg" width="500" height="47"></td>
	<td rowspan="2"><img src="gfx/tv_ticker_left.jpg" width="48" height="231"></td>
	<td><img src="<?php echo $_SESSION['SESS_COMPANY_LOGO']; ?>" width="406" height="216"></td>
	<td rowspan="2"><img src="gfx/tv_ticker_right.jpg" width="46" height="231"></td>
	<td height="15"><FONT 
color="#ffffff" size="2">

<MARQUEE bgcolor="#505050" 
direction="left" loop="20" scrollamount="4"><?php echo $_SESSION['SESS_TICKER'];?></MARQUEE>

	<td colspan="3"><img src="gfx/tv_ticker_bottom.jpg" width="500" height="119"></td>


is it because of the php in the code? how can I fix this???


the link to the image on how it SHOULD be displayed is here




the link to the image on how it currently displays WRONG is here




any help is appreciated...this problem is driving me nuts and I dont know how to fix it.



I don't know the solution but it isn't the html I think. Checked all your widths and heigts and it all fits..


put a border <table border='1'> so you can see in which cells the problem might be.

Perhaps give your marquee a height and width?


On another note, always put alt' in your img tag, and close img tags; <img src='src' alt='alt' />

It's not necessary, but it's advised.

You're using a lot of depreciated tags, like <center> and <font>. Why? That may be your problem. You could apply center to the table itself, and that would center the table. As far as the <font> tag, just use CSS in the <td> tag.


Also, arbitter is right. Apply several borders around things like the table and your marquee. That's a great way to troubleshoot issues like this.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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