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Hi All,


I'm pretty new to PHP and am having an issue with searching an array for each occurrence of a specific value and then outputting the all entries within that key...


so here is the array, it's scraped from a web site using Table Extractor, a print_r ($haystack) gives you this:


Array (

[1] => Array ( [Name  ] => Aberdeen [status  ] => Ready [Location  ] =>  [Jobs  ] => 0 [Model  ] => HPUniversalPrintingPCL6 [Comment  ] => PRINT_EARL )

[2] => Array ( [Name  ] => Alabama [status  ] => Ready [Location  ] => GroundFloorArea012 [Jobs  ] => 0 [Model  ] => RICOHAficioSP4100NPCL6 [Comment  ] => PRINT_Grd_F )

[3] => Array ( [Name  ] => Almond [status  ] => Ready [Location  ] =>  [Jobs  ] => 0 [Model  ] => HPUniversalPrintingPCL6 [Comment  ] => PRINT_EARL ) )


You can see it's a multidimensional array and some of the values are blank (this might be the issue?!)


Now that code I have is below, but it doesn't return any values and I can't see why not, as I said I'm new to this and having basically been winging it...


$haystack = $tx->extractTable();
$needle = "PRINT_EARL";
echo $needle;
print_r ($haystack);


function multidimArrayLocate($haystack, $needle){

foreach($haystack as $key => $arrayValue){
    if (is_array($arrayValue)){
      if ($key == $needle) $arrayResult[$key] = $arrayValue;
      $temp[$key] = multidimArrayLocate($arrayValue, $needle);
      if ($temp[$key]) $arrayResult[$key] = $temp[$key];
      if ($key == $needle) $arrayResult[$key] = $arrayValue;
  return $arrayResult;


Thanks in advance...





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thanks for your thoughts but quite clearly I'm being dense here...


The function "multidimArrayLocate($haystack, $needle)" should return keys [1] and [3] in $arrayvaule


theses should be displayed with print_r($arrayvalue), shouldn't they?!


Or am I misising something obvious? As I said, completely new to this PHP stuff..  :confused:


$haystack = Array (
1 => Array ( 'Name' => 'Aberdeen', 'Status' => 'Ready', 'Location' =>'',  'Jobs'  => 0, 'Model' => 'HPUniversalPrintingPCL6', 'Comment' => 'PRINT_EARL' ),
2 => Array ( 'Name' => 'Alabama', 'Status' => 'Ready', 'Location' => 'GroundFloorArea012', 'Jobs' => 0, 'Model' => 'RICOHAficioSP4100NPCL6', 'Comment' => 'PRINT_Grd_F' ),
3 => Array ( 'Name' => 'Almond', 'Status' => 'Ready', 'Location' => '', 'Jobs' => 0, 'Model' => 'HPUniversalPrintingPCL6', 'Comment' => 'PRINT_EARL' ),
'PRINT_EARL' => array(1,2,3) );
$needle = "PRINT_EARL";
echo $needle;
//print_r ($haystack);

$x = my_multidimArrayLocate($haystack,$needle);

function my_multidimArrayLocate($haystack, $needle){
$arrayResult = array();
if (!is_array($haystack)) return false;
foreach($haystack as $key => $arrayValue){
	if ((string) $key == (string) $needle) $arrayResult[$key] = $arrayValue;
	else {
		if (is_array($arrayValue)){
			if ($x = my_multidimArrayLocate($arrayValue, $needle)) $arrayResult[$key] = $x;
		} else if ((string) $needle == (string) $arrayValue) $arrayResult[$key] = $arrayValue;
return $arrayResult;
$x = 'as' == 0;

Thanks for that.. It works on the array supplied above and produces:


PRINT_EARLArray ( [1] => Array ( [Comment] => PRINT_EARL ) [3] => Array ( [Comment] => PRINT_EARL ) [PRINT_EARL] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 ) ) bool(true)


I want it to return all the vaules in the array that has "PRINT_Earl" as an element, so in this case all elements of [1] and [3], but I'm sure I can figure that out..


However,  if I run you code on the original "table extracted" array, it returns only:


Array ( ) bool(true)


Any ideas why??


Thanks again...



However,  if I run you code on the original "table extracted" array, it returns only:




    Array ( ) bool(true)



Any ideas why??


I have just noticed the "Table Extract" returns and array formed with []'s


[1] => Array ( [Name  ] => Aberdeen etc etc....


Is this why I don't get any output from your code with the extracted array, but I do when I used your formatted array


1 => Array ( 'Name' => 'Aberdeen', etc etc....


Are the square brackets the problem ??  :confused: ??

Thanks for your thoughts....


After putting




I get the below notice for each iteration of the foreach loop and then it returns "Array ( ) bool(true)" but no data, any other thoughts??


Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\extract15.php on line 50





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