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htaccess and php to secure folder


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Hi Guys,


I'm new here, and this is my first post so apologies if there's a more relevant place where I should be posting this, if so please let me know.


Basically I'm building a site for someone, a lecturer, who wants to be able to upload and download documents, mostly MS Word and PDF files, at her leisure. They are sensitive files, and so must be secured in a safe place. I want to build a log in/admin area where she can do this. Obviously just uploading the files to a normal directory is useless because anyone could go to that directory and see the files. I'd like to put a htaccess / htpasswd file in the directory to secure it, so my question is this; Is there a way to get php to interact with htaccess? to send the username and password in a php request to retrieve files from the directory and force a download with header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= ... (or whatever) ? All my googling efforts on this subject seem only to bring up stuff about the flock() command.


I see there is an expression engine plugin to do this sort of thing but quite frankly I hate EE. I'm guess I'm a control freak, I'd much rather do it myself and know exactly what's going on. Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for the reply !


Not really, one of the pdf files is almost 4mb. But I've discovered that you can move files in and out of htaccess protected directories using php commands without even needing to supply the username and password! duh! OK sorry, I'm new to coding, so I guess htaccess is only to stop browsers ie. people viewing files then..? I had assumed that any sort of access to the directory would be blocked.


Thanks anyway.

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Ahhh...no, not the case.  as php is server side it defaults to running with the same permissions that your httpd account has on a given directory.  I thought that you weere looking to have php modify the htaccess file at run time to allow said user to upload and then re-apply viewing restrictions afterwords.


p.s. Retreving images from a database is just as efficient than using flat files.  Just so you know  ;)

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'I thought that you weere looking to have php modify the htaccess file at run time to allow said user to upload and then re-apply viewing restrictions afterwords.'


In this case, no. But that's an interesting one, would that be possible using fopen fwrite?

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