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I have the following code. as commented out, i need to select a value from an array and on choosing that my page should go to another php file  preferably without using a submit button -but i cant figure out what error is taking place as i the form doesnt process


Would appreciate if someone could have a look and advise.  I've deleted most of the html stuff so its easier to read.


header("Cache-Control: public");
include ("../NEWDBS/include/session.php")    ;
include ("link.php"); //db info for DB2

$userid = $_SESSION['userid']; // works 
$usertype = $_SESSION['usertype']; // works 

echo "<center><font face='Calibri' size='2' color=red>Sorry, Please login and use this page </font></center>";

//echo $userid; 
//echo $usertype;

$dbtype = $_POST['dbtype'];
   if ($dbtype == 'Text') {
        include "text.php"; // contains dbname  info
        $section = 'Text';
if ($dbtype == 'Indus') {
        include "indus.php"; // contains dbname , other info
        $section = 'Indus';
if ($usertype == '7') { $userFile = 'sales.php';    }
// there are other usertypes as well - not listed for now
$successMessage .= 'Click <a href="'.$section.'/'.$userFile.'?Userid='.$userid.'"> here </a>to proceed to your options</font></center></p>';
print $successMessage;

// instead of printing this i need to open up the file sales.php located at "Indus/sales.php/userid=01".  
//indus.php contains db connection info because this leads to a MOVE from one DB to another .
//the problem is this comes at the top of the page even before the submit button has been clicked


<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 11 (filtered)">


<body lang=EN-IN link=blue vlink=purple>

<div class=Section1>

<form  action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="<? echo $userid ?>">

<table class=MsoTableClassic2 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
<tr style='height:1.0cm'>
  <td width=29 valign=top style='width:17.4pt;border:solid #99CC00 3.0pt;
  border-bottom:none;background:#DBF9AB;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;height:
  <p class=MsoNormal style='background:#BCE966'><b><span style='font-family:
  "Tw Cen MT";color:white;letter-spacing:1.0pt'> </span></b></p>
  <td width=297 valign=top style='width:178.25pt;border-top:solid #99CC00 3.0pt;
  border-left:none;border-bottom:none;border-right:solid #99CC00 3.0pt;
  background:#BAF527;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;height:1.0cm'>
  <p class=MsoNormal><b><span style='font-family:"Tw Cen MT";color:white;
  letter-spacing:1.0pt'>Select a Business Section <select name="dbtype"></span></b></p>

$typesArray = array (""=>"[select One]", "Indus"=>"Indus", "Text"=>"Text" );
foreach ($typesArray AS $key=>$value) {
    print '<option value="'.$key.'" '.(($dbtype == $key)? "selected" :"").'>'.$value.'</option>';
<input name='submit' type='submit' value='Submit'>


} else {


<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="<? echo $PHP_SELF ?>">

<select name="dbtype">
$typesArray = array (""=>"[select One]", "Indus"=>"Indus", "Text"=>"Text");
foreach ($typesArray AS $key=>$value) {
    print '<option value="'.$key.'" '.(($dbtype == $key)? "selected" :"").'>'.$value.'</option>';
</select> </font></td></tr>
<input name='submit' type='submit' value='Submit'> >
</font></td> </tr>

<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="<? echo $userid ?>" >




<p class=MsoNormal><b><span style='font-family:"Tw Cen MT";color:white;
letter-spacing:1.0pt'> </span></b></p>




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