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I want to install updates on the client system if any updates are available on the central server. So Please can anyone help me in retrieving the directories and files on central server, so that i can compare them with the clients version and if files on central server are updated then update the client files too.....


So what will be the best solution for it?



Thanks in advance

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I want to install updates on the client system if any updates are available on the central server. So Please can anyone help me in retrieving the directories and files on central server, so that i can compare them with the clients version and if files on central server are updated then update the client files too.....


Use Subversion it will tell you exactly which files are updated since the last checkout.

the only way you can do is

have a  file version file in both client sever, and central server

have the client (your visitors, the admin), load the current server's file version

have a iframe to load central server's version

in the iframe, use parent.document.getElementById("version")==document.getElementById("serverversion")

the only way you can do is

have a  file version file in both client sever, and central server

have the client (your visitors, the admin), load the current server's file version

have a iframe to load central server's version

in the iframe, use parent.document.getElementById("version")==document.getElementById("serverversion")


I doubt he will be able to write his own version control system using something like Subversion is really his best option as all he'll have to do is:


cd /path/to/web/root/

svn update


You can use hooks but I do not recommend it as you don't want an unstable copy on the production server.

Thanks for your replies.


please can you tell me that how wordpress work for its updates. For example when we install the wordpress and if the updates are available then it show the link and process accordingly...


Can you explain me how does it works for wordpress ? because i also want the similar functionality.

if so plz provide me some  example.




PHP execute server side so no, your solution need to execute on the client.

I think he means a web-app which can update on a single click or maybe auto-update using cron.



You can create a php file on central server which simply echoes (or displays xml) latest version of software available.

You can then use curl to download the archive on to client server, use zip libraries to extract the files and redirect the client-browser to upgrade.php or something.


You can create a php file on central server which simply echoes (or displays xml) latest version of software available.

You can then use curl to download the archive on to client server, use zip libraries to extract the files and redirect the client-browser to upgrade.php or something.


I couldn't have said it better myself ;)

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