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How do I explain security/insecurity/privacy to a client?


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I'm developing a quick site for a hobby conspiracy theory community. The site is not public and therefore privacy and security is an issue.


Their original idea was to share a communal email account and save all their information as drafts. Try to think about this from a Big Brother/Orwellian perspective where the 'elite' are continually surveying the 'serfs'. I'm trying to explain that in theory, if 'the powers that be' wanted to screen any given email account then they probably could since even drafts are stored in a database.


I'm trying to sway them over to creating a private website using an ACL (purely because this is something I know how to do).


How do I explain to the client how secure/insecure the ACL approach is and is there any approach that will quell their paranoia? These guys like the notion of privacy more than they need it as all of their content can be found on the major publicly accessible conspiracy theory websites.




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Tell 'em this:


Once you have your website how will you know that I will not be able to access you website and see what you are doing? How do you know that I'm not a conspirator of the elite? Or am myself an elite? Who say's I'm not carrying a hidden camera and everything you say is recorded to be used against you? Or that a Satellite is fixed on your position with a BIG laser to melt your brain? When we shaked hands I implanted a micro-device that will follow your every move. WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER


They'll be sure to feel a lot safer after.

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I actually answered your question. You can't guarantee them that something is ever 100% secure and add some paranoia and you get the idea. You can't tell them their data will be safe. It's the same as telling to someone who is catholic that God doesn't exist (the same as telling a child that Santa-Claus doesn't exist).

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