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loading variables from text file?!


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Firstly, I have to declare...I have no idea what I'm doing!


The goal:




To load text in html div tags dynamically, loaded from a .txt file.




So far...


I've spent a couple of days trawling the net to find examples of how to do this. I've read much about delimited files, fread functions, etc., but really need a clear dummie's guide of what code to put where...


I've tried putting this code into the <head> section of my page...


<?php function get_value_of($name)
     $lines = file('titles.txt');

     foreach (array_values($lines) AS $line)
          list($key, $val) = explode('=', trim($line) );
          if (trim($key) == $name)
                return $val;
     return false;


...and then this in the <div> tag...


echo get_value_of($title1);


my txt file is called titles.txt


Would really appreciate any help I can get!


Thanks in advance....




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thanks for the replies...


at the moment the text file looks like this:


title1="'self portrait', oil on linen."

title2="landscape 1, watercolor on paper."

title3="portrait 1, oil on linen."


I thought I'd be able to use a function to load variables into an array, then at other points in the page code (html) echo any given variable, importantly, within a <div> tag somewhere in the page layout.


Is it possible to put the function code in <head> of an html page, then call for specific variable values to be echoed where I want them?


The end goal is to create a site where all the text for each page is loaded in this way. The amount of text involved is minimal so I thought it'd be alright.


Any advice? Many thanks for the help!



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