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Hi guys


I have an input form related problem, I simplyfy it by just showing an example with 1 field.

So there is a panel where the user can enter certain informations eg name, birth, address etc and

he can preview all the entered information (as many times he likes) just like a comment editor.

Every time he pushes the preview button a preview will be generated on the bottom of the page.

In order to not to reset out all the fields what he entered I store the data in session variables.

If he modifies the field again the session variable will be updated.


Here is a snippet about how did I implement this:


echo '<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">';

echo '<br><input name="data1" size="50" value="'.$_SESSION['data1'].'"><br>';

echo '<br><input type="submit" name="prv" value="Preview">';

echo '</form>';


if (isset($_POST['prv']))


    if (strcmp($_SESSION['data1'], $_POST['data1']) != 0 ) $_SESSION['data1']  = $_POST['data1'];

    $data1  = $_SESSION['data1'];


    validate input data





The problem is that this doesn't behaves as it expected. Once the user hits the preview button it shows the output right

but for next time all the forms are empty, after that it's right again. It acts like it would store down everything twice. If I fill out the empty forms

their content is saved too.


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also store the session in <input type="hidden" value=[here] name="this" /> at least.


I'm sorry but why would I do this? That's the whole point to refresh the  data in the input forms all the time so the user can modify it.

Just like in this forum where you would change the subject field from "Re: Form FLIP-FLOP" "Re: Form FLIP-FLOP 2" when you reply.

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Well you asked for the full code but that's pretty much enough code to demonstrate whats going on. Let me make it full for ya:



      echo '<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">';
      echo '<br><input name="data1" size="50" value="'.$_SESSION['data1'].'"><br>';
      echo '<br><input type="submit" name="prv" value="Preview">';
      echo '</form>';

   if (isset($_POST['prv']))
       if (strcmp($_SESSION['data1'], $_POST['data1']) != 0 )    $_SESSION['data1']   = $_POST['data1'];
       $data1  = $_SESSION['data1'];



This will perfectly demonstrates whats going on.

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This works right:

   if (isset($_POST['prv']))
       if (strcmp($_SESSION['data1'], $_POST['data1']) != 0 )    $_SESSION['data1']   = $_POST['data1'];
       $data1  = $_SESSION['data1'];

      echo '<form method="post" action="">';
      echo '<br><input name="data1" size="50" value="'.$_SESSION['data1'].'"><br>';
      echo '<br><input type="submit" name="prv" value="Preview">';
      echo '</form>';


I moved the processing before the form display. Also, you don't need enctype="multipart/form-data".



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<form method="POST" action="#">
<input name="data1" size="50" value="<?php print isset($_POST['data1']) ? $_POST['data1'] : '' ?>">
<input type="submit" name="prv" value="Preview">


if (isset($_POST['Preview'])) {
  echo '<div style="width: 500px; height: 500px; overflow: scroll">', applyTemplate($_POST['data1']), '</div>';

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {


You don't need session's to create a preview just make sure to auto-populate the form fields.

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