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trim/addslash/strip_tag for a form input variable


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is this an overkill of functions, or is it good?..is there any redundancy, or is it falling short in anyway??

am getting the name from a form:



(once above is done, then $name is passed thru a regex test and lastly ofcourse am also doing a mysql_real_escape($name) before dumping into the DB - am sure of these two activities, but not the trim/addslash/striptag)

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If you are using mysql_real_escape_string() there is no need to addslashes.  Trim takes away whitespace from the ends, and strip_tags strips out any HTML. 


If you are checking by regex, you could eliminate all three of those functions.

$pattern = '~[^A-Za-z]~';  //Allow only alpha characters.  This gets rid of whitespace, or HTML brackets, or quotes, commas, dashes, etc.
$name = preg_replace($pattern,'',$_POST['name']);


Lastly, I would pass it through mysql_real_escape_string().  This will add slashes for the DB, just like you stated.

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If you are using mysql_real_escape_string() there is no need to addslashes.  Trim takes away whitespace from the ends, and strip_tags strips out any HTML. 


If you are checking by regex, you could eliminate all three of those functions.

$pattern = '~[^A-Za-z]~';  //Allow only alpha characters.  This gets rid of whitespace, or HTML brackets, or quotes, commas, dashes, etc.
$name = preg_replace($pattern,'',$_POST['name']);


Lastly, I would pass it through mysql_real_escape_string().  This will add slashes for the DB, just like you stated.


It will add slashes to what?  You have just stripped everything out other than the alphabet.  mysql_real_escape_string() would be a waste of time.

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it will add slashes to ' and "

so this:


will be:


I was referring to running a regex against a value such as the one previously described would prove escaping characters redundant.


For example:


$some_var = "John's special variable";

$stripped = preg_replace('/([^a-z\s]+)/i', '', $some_var); //$stripped = Johns special variable


So, after using preg_replace, the need to escape any characters is not needed as the single quote was removed (replaced).

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