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Appending a dynamic URL with # anchor without adding pages to history


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Hi there!

I've been searching for days across loads of forums to try and find an answer to this. I've read some posts that seem to get near a solution but they aren't quite what I need.


I have installed a neat little piece of code on my site called codaslider http://www.ndoherty.biz/tag/coda-slider/.  I originally had problems with navigating around the tabs as every link sent the page back to the root;

instead of mysite.com/page.php?thispage_id=42#anchor2

it would navigate to mysite.com/#anchor2


I got around this by adding +location.href+ into the link i.e;

ul.append('<li class="tab' + (n+1) + '"><a href="'+location.href+'#' + (n+1) + '">' + $(this).find(settings.panelTitleSelector).text() + '</a></li>');


Navigation works and the tabs move about now BUT it adds a new page to the browser's history every time a new #anchor is clicked. I would like the #anchors to be clickable without adding another page to the browser's history.


Is this possible?


All help is greatly appreciated!

Tim.  ;D

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I've read some info at http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_ref_html.asp and suspect I need to change something to do with ul.append but just cannot get the code to work as I want!


I'm guessing it took you 30 seconds because you knew what to look for, I've got very little idea what I'm doing.  :shy:


Allow me to reiterate; help is greatly appreciated.


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Unbelievable. After days (the total of which must be some ridiculous number of hours) it turns out the solution was under my nose.


I'm still not entirely sure how setting crossLinking:false works to prevent a history trail being created every time you click a tab. For the purposes of future reference I'd like to know this works, so I'll forage around the code a little, but for the moment I'm very happy!  :D


Thank-you thorpe for the pointer, I really appreciate your efforts to point out this ultra simple (as it turns out) fix!


Cheers, Tim.  ;)



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I haven't looked at the code, but it probably adds the hash to allow for deeplinking (i.e. bookmarking a specific selection in the slider) which can also be good for SEO. It's probably on for default, but they appear to give you an option to turn it off.

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