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searching a database through PHP


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i'm trying to create a page where i can search my database for items. The field that is being searched on my database is the name of the item in there.


So say i have various items with the word computer or close to it, i want to be able to type it in on a form field and pres the submit button which will query it to search the database for any row that has the word computer in its name.



I've been trying the following code, but its not fully working. What i mean is that it brings results but only if its spelled exactly.


$result = $_GET['key'];
$category = $_GET['cat'];
$get_items = "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE category='$category' AND i_name LIKE '$result'";
$run_get = mysql_query($get_items) or die(mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($run_get);


I've tried using wildcards before, after and in between the variable, but i haven't had any luck.


Hope someone can help me out

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In what ways have you tried wildcards? This is more of a MySQL question, but something like this should work:


$get_items = "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE category='$category' AND i_name LIKE '%$result%'";


Using the % wildcard, which means match 0 or more of anything.

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check percentage symbol % use it both side of keyword



Did you bother to read any of the posts besides the first one in this topic? If you did you would know that inversesoft123 has already tried this with no avail, so it must be something else.

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well i checked and the word is misspelled...but thats what i want to do, to display a row that comes close to the word i'm looking for. i don't want to have to type in the exact word. Say i just type comp...i want that row that might say 'computer something something' to show up and so on

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I've tried that and the following:



And i keep getting nothing...so not i don't know what i'm doing wrong.


In his example he is not using % on both side as you said Alex :)


Actually i meant to type %$result%...so yea i tried that..thanks anyways

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well i checked and the word is misspelled...but thats what i want to do, to display a row that comes close to the word i'm looking for. i don't want to have to type in the exact word. Say i just type comp...i want that row that might say 'computer something something' to show up and so on


Well with the current method if you type "comp" a row with "computer something something" should be returned. But if you want a more comprehensive search you'll have to look into more advanced techniques than just MySQL wildcards.

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we'll i'll keep trying maybe i'm doing something wrong on the code....because i've looked over several tutorials and they all say pretty much the same.


Anyways, thanks for the input/help. i'll leave this topic open  until i can fix the issue



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