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foreach and MYSQL confusion


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"while" was easy to understand  :-[


I don't know how to echo two variables using foreach.


First I have a function


function show_posts(MySQLi $connection, $category) {
$posts = array();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE category_id = '$category' ORDER BY post_date DESC";
while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
    $posts[$row->post_id] = $row->post_title;
  return $posts;


And then I echoed the post title but how about the post id (fk) or post date?




$posts = show_posts($connection, $category);

foreach ($posts as $key => $value){ 
    	        $post_id = $row["post_id"];
	$post_title = $row["post_title"];
	$post_date = $row["post_date"];


<li <?php if ($post_id == $post) {print $selected;}  ?>><a href="single_post.php?cat=<?php echo $cat; ?>&postID=<?php echo urlencode($post_id); ?>"><?php echo $value; ?></a><br />
<div class="date"><?php echo relativeTime($post_date); ?> </div></li>
<?php	}	?>


I get an empty postID an incorrect post date. Also I'm not sure if using "while" in the function and "foreach" on the another page that uses the function is good :-\ Foreach is really confusing me..

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Ok what foreach does is loop through an array while:

  1. Assigning the _value_ of each array item to a variable

  2. Assigning the _keyname_ of each array item to a variable

- Both assignments are optional, eg; "foreach($array){ ... }"


Quick example:

$somearray = array(
   0 => array ('post_id'=>2, 'post_title'=>'test post title','post_date'=>'8/8/10')
   1 => array ('post_id'=>5, 'post_title'=>'test post title2','post_date'=>'8/8/10')

// The foreach:
foreach($somearray As $key=>$value){
   echo("Key: ".$key."<br />Value:".$value."<hr />"); // This will have 2 iterations.



Key: post_id
Value: 2
Key: post_title
Value: test post title
Key: post_date
Value: 8/8/10
Key: post_id
Value: 5
Key: post_title
Value: test post title2
Key: post_date
Value: 8/8/10


Hope this helps,


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The problem is you're not setting up the $posts array correctly within your show_posts function. Your're only returning the the post_title field, but in your foreach loop you're trying to uses fields which is not being returned from your function.


To sort this out, all you need is a few simple changes


First change this

while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
    $posts[$row->post_id] = $row->post_title;


while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
    $posts[] = $row;


Now for your foreach loop, you'd do

$posts = show_posts($connection, $category);

foreach ($posts as $row){ 
    	        $post_id = $row->post_id;
	$post_title = $row->post_title;
	$post_date = $row->post_date;


<li <?php if ($post_id == $post) {print $selected;}  ?>><a href="single_post.php?cat=<?php echo $cat; ?>&postID=<?php echo urlencode($post_id); ?>"><?php echo $value; ?></a><br />
<div class="date"><?php echo relativeTime($post_date); ?> </div></li>
<?php	}	?>


Now you should get the correct behaviour you're looking for.

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In your while you only saved the id and title, but you saved the id as the key, so there is only $row->title.  Further, $row is an array of objects, not an array of arrays.  Also, you foreach $posts as $key and $value, but then you try and use $row in the loop?  Try this:


while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
    $posts[] = $row;




foreach ($posts as $post){ 
    $post_id = $post->post_id;
    $post_title = $post->post_title;
    $post_date = $post->post_date;
    // etc...


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(Extension to my post above)

Oh and i would store/return a whole result array much like mysql_fetch_assoc() does in increments, eg:


function show_posts(MySQLi $connection, $category) {
   $posts = array();
   $sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE category_id = '$category' ORDER BY post_date DESC";
   while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { // Get an associative array of the current row (assoc = with keynames, )
      $posts[] = $row; // Just add the whole row as a new array item
   return $posts;


But I can't see how your getting any results anyway since your not actually executing the query:

// You need to connect
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "username", "password", "database");

// Execute the query
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE category_id = '$category' ORDER BY post_date DESC");

// Save Results as an array
$posts = array();
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { // Get an associative array of the current row (assoc = with keynames, )
   $posts[] = $row; // Just add the whole row as a new array item

// Display results
print_r($posts); // print_r() is useful for outputting raw data from an array. It is most easily viewable in the output source code.


Here are a few helpful links:

Connecting with MySQLi Class: http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.connect.php

Executing a MySQLi Query: http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.query.php

Returning Assoc Arrays: http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-assoc.php

The entire manual: http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/index.php



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Wow! Triple reply :)


@ChemicalBliss, thank you for the detailed and clear explanation! I understand foreach much better :)


@wildteen88,AbraCadaver, both the solutions were correct :) It works perfectly! Btw, does foreach make loading slower? Maybe something else I added is causing it but when I used "while" directly without any function, navigating from one post to another seemed a little faster.


Thanks again!!

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Use microtime() at the start and end of your script to find the execution time (endtime - starttime = execution time).



(I would use microtime(TRUE) as it will return a single float as by default it returns an array of integer/float (unix timestamp + millesecond).



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