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Include 'root' file from subdirectory


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How to include file from subdirectory?


I have tried include '../config.php';

but got error selecting database.


Also tried include($DOCUMENT_ROOT."../config.php"); but same result.


For example, I have "root/admin" directory, and cant connect (from "/admin" dir)  to database config.php which is in root.There are also other files to include.

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You need to locate that file first... go into dreamweaver (if you have it) and physically find the file. Without a GOOD filepath, we can't help you locate the file.


Also, you don't include the "../" when using the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] function. you are already at the root of the site. so $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] essentially equals www.your-domain.com you can't back up beyond that (well.. not entirely true - but you shouldn't be doing that =^)  ).


SO: i would just try require(' $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']./config.php') which will drop you in the site root.. the same place as your index (homepage).

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I already tried that:




and many other combinations...but it wont work.


That path is on/from localhost. Didnt tested online.

I need to locate path automaticly if its possible. For example to get working directory and go back one level. Is it possible (like in java or c++)?

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Seems your server isn't setup quite right. Whats path is returned when you echo out $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']



$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] should echo the path to the folder where you place all your files for your site which is served by your http server, eg for Apache it maybe C:/Apache/htdocs, or if you're using IIS most probably C:/Innetpub/public.


Can you tell us where your config.php file is located (post full file path)?

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