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i need help with this login script this works  perfect as a login script but i need to add another action to it. it is action="login.php" but i need it to be action="login.php" and action="register.php" so i can integrate my chat room along with my login script please help you nice people.







*  Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved.

*  -------------------------------------

*  Version: 3.0

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*  Page: login.php






if (isset($_POST['login'])) { $login = user_login(); }




<?php include_once("themes/".SITETHEME."/joovili.header.php"); ?>


      <table width="100%" border="0">


          <td width="60%" valign="top">

    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4">


                <td class="text_1_css"><?php echo $lang['login'];?></td>



                <td class="text_2_css"><?php echo $lang['login_message'];?></td>



              <?php echo $login;?>

  <img src="themes/<?php echo SITETHEME;?>/images/007.gif" height="10" />

              <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" class="text_2_css">

                <form name="login" id="login"action="login.php" method="post">


                    <td width="25%"><?php echo $lang['common_username'];?></td>

                    <td width="75%"><input name="username" type="text" class="form_field" style="width: 50%;" /></td>



                    <td><?php echo $lang['common_password'];?></td>

                    <td><input name="password" type="password" class="form_field" style="width: 50%;" /></td>



                    <td> </td>

                    <td><a href="forgot.php" class="text_4_css"><?php echo $lang['login_forgot'];?></a></td>



                    <td> </td>

                    <td><input name="login" type="submit" class="form_button" value="<?php echo $lang['login_button'];?>" /></td>




  <td width="40%"><?php echo $joovili_settings['joovili_advert_group_3'];?></td>



      <?php include_once("themes/".SITETHEME."/joovili.footer.php");?>

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sorry i dont know how to do that but if your intrested in doing it for me i will pay a few dollars or pound via paypal here is the 2nd login script its very basic



    Copy and paste the following HTML code to the web

    page that you would like people to login from. Edit

    this code as you see fit.     



<form method=POST action="launch.php" target="sigmachat_popup">

  <table border=0>






            <input type=text name="username" value="" size=32>








            <input type=password name="password" value="" size=32>






        <td align=right>

            <input type=submit name="submit" value="Login">






<!-- End copy/paste -->

i have fixed this problem now but i am looking for someone who can create a footer bar like face book with a online pop up one on one chat box like facebook and it needs to be integrated with prochat and look a bit like the prochat footerbar. this is a future creation i need when i have the money. but i would like people to leave quotes now so when funds are there i can get it straight away.

i have fixed this problem now but i am looking for someone who can create a footer bar like face book with a online pop up one on one chat box like facebook and it needs to be integrated with prochat and look a bit like the prochat footerbar. this is a future creation i need when i have the money. but i would like people to leave quotes now so when funds are there i can get it straight away.


We have a freelance board for such requests.

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