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Select a random Row and set it? Help please!


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Hi! I'm having a problem with setting a random variable after I select a random row from a table. I have no problem with selecting the random row. I just can't get the variable to stay as it was selected. Each time I re-visit the page, it changes to the newly randomly selected variable. I want the variable to stay the same until I press the submit button. Here is my code:

echo "<font size=6>Quests</font><br><br>";

$action = $_GET[act];
$reward = rand(100, 500);

$gettheitem = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM items ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");

$qnquery = "SELECT * FROM quests WHERE userid='$id'"; 
$qnresult = mysql_query($qnquery);
while($qnrow = mysql_fetch_array($qnresult)) {
$checkstatus1 = $qnrow['qon'];

$squery = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id='$id'"; 
$sresult = mysql_query($squery);
while($srow = mysql_fetch_array($sresult)) {
$cquests = $srow['questscore'];
$fquests = $srow['questsfailed'];

$randitemq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE id!='0'");
$crandit = mysql_num_rows($randitemq);
$randit = rand(1, $crandit);
$getitem = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE id='$randit

$randomitem1 = "SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1";
$resultt = mysql_query($randomitem1);
while($iroww = mysql_fetch_array($resultt)) {
$itemimagee = $iroww['image'];
$itemname1 = $iroww['name'];
$grabitem1 = $iroww['id'];

$grabq = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id!=0"; 
$grabresult = mysql_query($grabq);
while($grow = mysql_fetch_array($grabresult)){
$itemimage = $grow['image'];
$itemname = $grow['name'];
$grabitem = $grow['id'];

if($checkstatus1 == "No") {
echo "Hey There! Welcome to the Quest page! Here you can complete jobs for the workers of SadHazel. You have unlimited time per-quest. The reward will be in coins, and it's a random amount. You never know how much you'll get until you complete the quest!<br><br>";
<html><form action="<?php echo "$PHP_SELF"; ?>" method="get">
<input type="submit" name="act" value="start"><br><br></html>
echo "You have currently completed <b>$cquests</a> Quests!<br>However... you have failed <b>$fquests</b> Quests";

if($action == "start") {
mysql_query("UPDATE quests SET itemid = '$grabitem1', `qon` = 'Yes' where userid = '$id' ");
echo "Hey there again! I'd like you to bring me this item, please: <br><br><img src=/items/$itemimagee><br><b>$itemname1</b><br><br>";

if($checkstatus1 == "Yes") {
echo "Hey there yet again! I'll remind you what item I need: <br><br><img src=items/$itemimagee><br><b>$itemname1</b><br><br>";
<html><form action="<?php echo "$PHP_SELF"; ?>" method="get">
<input type="submit" name="act" value="have"><br><br></form></html>
<html><form action="<?php echo "$PHP_SELF"; ?>" method="get">
<input type="submit" name="act" value="quit"><br><br></form></html>
if($action == "quit") {
mysql_query("UPDATE quests SET itemid = '0', `qon` = 'No' where userid = '$id' ");
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET questsfailed=$fquests +1 WHERE id='$id'");
echo "Oh no! It looks like you've given up!";

if($action == "have") {

$hiquery = "SELECT * FROM user_items WHERE owner='$YourName' AND itemid='$grabitem1'";
$haveit = mysql_query($hiquery) or die(mysql_error());
$haveitornot = mysql_num_rows($haveit);
$theitem = mysql_query("SELECT itemid FROM user_items WHERE owner='$YourName'");
if($haveitornot != "0") {
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET questscore=$cquests +1 WHERE id= '$id'");

mysql_query ("UPDATE user SET point=$points +$reward WHERE id='$id'");

mysql_query("UPDATE quests SET itemid = '0', `qon` = 'No' where userid = '$id' ");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM user_items WHERE itemid='$grabitem1' AND owner='$YourName' LIMIT 1");
echo "<font color=green>Success! You have completed this quest.</font><br><br>To thank you, I'll give you <b>$reward</b> Coins!<br><br>";
if($haveitornot == "0") {
echo "<font color=red>Error! You don't have the item!</font><br><br>";


Please Note: I have some variables there taht aren't being used. They are simply there just in case I mess up... I don't want to lose variables that previously worked.


Any help is appreciated... thank you in advance! =]

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