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Array with $_POST


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My DB has data called A001, A002, A003 etc. I want to echo this data inside of an input form if a value already exists and if not the input field is blank. On pressing submit I want to store any changes, refresh, and then show those changed values in the input fields. The problem I have is:


Once the fields have been filled out I want to check everything using an array. So if I filled out input fields with:


A001 Hello

A002 World


and press submit, I want the array to check if $_POST['A001'] has data, if so store it. Same for A002. But I don't know how to make the $_POST value increment. Here's my idea so far but it doesn't work:


//total number of questions
$TNQ = 19;
for ($i = 1; $i<=$TNQ; $i++){
if($i < 10){
	$cell = 'A'. 00 . $i;
	$cellpost = '$_POST['.$cell.']';
		echo $cellpost;
}else if($i < 100){
                $cell = 'A'. 0 . $i;
	$cellpost = '$_POST['.$cell.']';
		echo $cellpost;


edit== For testing, I am just trying to echo the $_POST data right now. After it works I can save to DB.


Any ideas? Or do i need to attack this a whole new way?

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Without the single quotes I get a PHP error saying unexpected ]. Currently this code will echo:


$_POST[A001], $_POST[A002'] ..etc etc


NOT the values... just the plain text.


I can check if($cellpost) as it is and it will detect it but it's not a good way to do it because $cellpost will always have data since i am setting it equal to '$_POST['.$cell.']';.


If I use if($_POST['A001'] that will work and only echo that A001 if it has a value. (!empty or (isset isn't necessary.

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You're over-thinking this. Just build the form from the database query, and make the related fields their own array. Then you can just loop through the sub-array in the $_POST array instead of trying to figure out how to separate that from everything else.


while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) {
     echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"text_fields[{$row['id']}]\" value=\"";
     if( !empty($row['value']) ) {
          echo $row['value'];
     echo "\" />";

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You're over-thinking this. Just build the form from the database query, and make the related fields their own array. Then you can just loop through the sub-array in the $_POST array instead of trying to figure out how to separate that from everything else.


while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) {
     echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"text_fields[{$row['id']}]\" value=\"";
     if( !empty($row['value']) ) {
          echo $row['value'];
     echo "\" />";


Well, I need to leave the input fields there incase the user need to comeback later and fill one out. I actutally just figure it out tho, i'll post solved answer below.

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$TNQ = 19;

for ($i = 1; $i<=$TNQ; $i++){

if($i < 10){

$cell = 'A00'.$i;

$cellpost = $_POST[$cell];


echo $cellpost;





This results in echoing the data from the DB at A001 which is the only field that has a value at current

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