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Blocking forms method='post' coming from other server ?


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The only information you receive with any http request is what comes with the http request. That includes the ip address of the device that made the http request and to which the reply will be sent back (this is gotten out of the TCP/IP data packets), the URL that is being requested along with any GET parameters that are part of that URL, any headers that are included in the request, any COOKIES that are included in the request, and any POST data that is included in the request.


The only way you can identify where a request came from is by looking at the available information. If another web server is being used to directly POST data to your site and that web server has a fixed IP address, you can block the IP address. That will slow someone down, but it is fairly easy to go through a web proxy server to get a different IP address.


What sort of problem are you having that you are tying to solve because most problems with receiving undesirable input must be addressed in your code by validating the input that is received.

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Ahh, ok thanks for explaining. I had misunderstood a bit as I thought it could be controlled from the server (with some code perhaps) that all executed forms must be from the same webserver.


This is just spam prevention. But I guess captcha is the only way, no?


thanks, df

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