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Okay, so I've been working on this on and off for a little while now. Thought I'd post it here. It's a PHP Framework, similar to that of Cake or CodeIgniter. What I've tried to focus on is simplicity, because I found Cake to do a lot of this auto-generating code crap. Spine leaves a lot of the coding up to you, so it's more flexible.


Spine features a simple but powerful routing engine, an easy to use default templating engine, ability to extend the template engine with Smarty, helpers to make creating a dynamic website easier, sections to eliminate the rewriting of code, an easy to use MySQL database abstraction layer if PDO is unavailable and more.


Currently Spine is still in the beta testing stages, but it is currently quite stable.


You can check SpinePHP out at http://www.spinephp.org


You can get the latest version via SVN or by downloading an package from the website. Docs are still being written so it may be hard to get a hang of, but I'm writing docs when I get the chance too.


If you find any bugs, please report them at http://www.spinephp.org/bugs/


Any comments welcome.



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