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I cannot seem to get my link to work.. I want to build a php script that has more than one $_GET command.. The link I want to make is: index.php?section=tutorial&viewing=18-classes_or_ids.

Here is my PHP code..


$section = $_GET['section'];
switch ($section)
case "home":
case "register":
case "tutorial_home":
$tutorial = "?section=" .  urlencode('tutorial&viewing') . $_GET['tutorial&viewing'];
switch ($tutorial)
case "18-classes_or_ids":


Please help me!!

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Hi there adamKing217,


The way as you have constructed your links means that to access $_GET information, you would need to look at how you have done the link:-




The bits I have highlighted are the pieces available in the $_GET array when the link is sent to the browser (at least this is how I understand it to be)  If you did print_r($_GET); on your page when the link was sent you would see the parts highlighted available from the array to use, this is where the use of isset() is paramount as a form/processing handler.


So in your link $_GET would be this (set variables):-


$_GET['section'] => tutorial

$_GET['viewing'] => 18-classes_or_ids


Also when constructing links, the & needs to be made into & for validation purposes if you are into that sort of stuff.


$tutorial = strip_tags($_GET['viewing']);//gives you that extra added security
switch ($tutorial){
case "18-classes_or_ids":


And also for this:-


$section = strip_tags($_GET['section']);//added security
switch ($section){


I have added the strip_tags() function so that you can have a safer script, I think that it is prudent to always be thinking of security, but that'a just my opinion.




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