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Well heres the page





Daily Item (daily_item.php)




$rank_check = 1;

$page_title = "Daily Item";

include "header.inc.php";


print "$openHTML";


$findFingerPrizes = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE game = '$game'");

if ((!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]) OR (!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]) or (!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]))


if ($rank == 7)


$ifAdmin = "Admins: Click <a href=admin/admin_setup_finger.php?game=$game>here</a> to setup this game!<br>";



die("<p>" . $ifAdmin . "This game is not ready to be played yet.</p>");



// Start Check


$checking2 = "gumball";

$limit1 = $datestamp;


$findCheck = fetch("SELECT * FROM checking2 WHERE userid = '$userid' AND check_what = '$checking2' AND timestamp = '$limit1' AND game = '$game'");


if ($findCheck[id])


$page_title = "Gumball - Already Played";

$findPage = fetch("SELECT * FROM game_pages WHERE page_title = '$page_title' AND game = '$game'");

if ($findPage[page_info] == "")


print "<p>You approach The Gumball Game It Said 'Come back tomorrow!'</p><p align=center><img src=http://vectortuts.s3.amazonaws.com/tuts/58_Gumball_Machine/step35.jpg></p>";




include "showpage.inc.php";

print "$findPage[page_info]";




if (!$findCheck[id])


$page_title = "Gumball - About to Play";

$findPage = fetch("SELECT * FROM game_pages WHERE page_title = '$page_title' AND game = '$game'");

if ($findPage[page_info] == "")


print "<p>Hi Welcome To The Gumball Game!</p><p align=center><a href=$base_url/gumballs.pro.php?game=$game><img src=http://vectortuts.s3.amazonaws.com/tuts/58_Gumball_Machine/step35.jpg></a></p>";




include "showpage.inc.php";

print "$findPage[page_info]";



// End Check


print "$closeHTML";



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And Heres the submit code





Pull my finger (finger.pro.php)




$interactive = 1;

$page_title = "Gumball";

$rank_check = 1;

include "header.inc.php";


$findFingerPrizes = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE game = '$game'");

if ((!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]) OR (!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]) or (!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]))


if ($rank == 7)


$ifAdmin = "Admins: Click <a href=admin/admin_setup_finger.php?game=$game>here</a> to setup this game!<br>";



die("$openHTML<p>" . $ifAdmin . "This game is not ready to be played yet.</p>$closeHTML");



// Start Check


$checking2 = "gumball";

$limit1 = $datestamp;


$findCheck = fetch("SELECT * FROM checking2 WHERE userid = '$userid' AND check_what = '$checking2' AND timestamp = '$limit1' AND game = '$game'");


if ($findCheck[id])


die(header(error("gumballs.php?game=$game","Don't cheat.")));



mysql_query("DELETE FROM checking2 WHERE userid = '$userid' AND check_what = '$checking2' AND game = '$game'");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO checking2 (userid,check_what,timestamp,game) VALUES ('$userid','$checking2','$datestamp','$game')");


// End Check


$num_prizes = rand(1,3);

$prize_1 = explode(", ", $findFingerPrizes[item_name]);

$prize_2 = explode(", ", $findFingerPrizes[item_name]);

$prize_3 = explode(", ", $findFingerPrizes[item_name]);


$count_1 = count($prize_1) - 1;

$count_2 = count($prize_2) - 1;

$count_3 = count($prize_3) - 1;

$rand_1 = rand(0,$count_1);

$rand_2 = rand(0,$count_2);

$rand_3 = rand(0,$count_3);


if ($num_prizes == 1)


$first = $prize_1[$rand_1];

$cookie_1 = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE item_name = '$first' AND game = '$game'");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersitems2 (owner,item_id,parts_left,game) VALUES ('$userid','$cookie_1[id]','$cookie_1[parts]','$game')");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO pullmyfinger2 (user,date,game) VALUES ('$userid','$datestamp','$game')");


$message  .= "<img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/items/item_$cookie_1[id].gif>";

$message2 .= "$cookie_1[item_name]";

die("$openHTML<p align=center>You won a $message2!</p><p align=center>$message</p><p align=center><a href=games.php?game=$game>Back to the Game Room</a></p>$closeHTML");


if ($num_prizes == 2)


$first = $prize_1[$rand_1];

$cookie_1 = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE item_name = '$first' AND game = '$game'");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersitems2 (owner,item_id,parts_left,game) VALUES ('$userid','$cookie_1[id]','$cookie_1[parts]','$game')");

$second = $prize_2[$rand_2];

mysql_query("UPDATE members2 SET points=$points+$second WHERE username = '$username' AND game = '$game'");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO pullmyfinger2 (user,date,game) VALUES ('$userid','$datestamp','$game')");


$message  .= "<img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/items/item_$cookie_1[id].gif>";

$message2 .= "$cookie_1[item_name]";

die("$openHTML<p align=center>You won a $message2 and $second $pointVar!</p><p align=center>$message</p><p align=center><a href=games.php?game=$game>Back to the Game Room</a></p>$closeHTML");


if ($num_prizes == 3)


$first = $prize_1[$rand_1];

$cookie_1 = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE item_name = '$first' AND game = '$game'");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersitems2 (owner,item_id,parts_left,game) VALUES ('$userid','$cookie_1[id]','$cookie_1[parts]','$game')");

$second = round($prize_2[$rand_2]);

mysql_query("UPDATE members2 SET points=$points+$second WHERE username = '$username' AND game = '$game'");

$third = $prize_3[$rand_3];

$cookie_3 = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE item_name = '$third' AND game = '$game'");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersitems2 (owner,item_id,parts_left,game) VALUES ('$userid','$cookie_3[id]','$cookie_3[parts]','$game')");

mysql_query("DELETE FROM pullmyfinger2 WHERE date != '$datestamp'");

mysql_query("INSERT INTO pullmyfinger2 (user,date,game) VALUES ('$userid','$datestamp','$game')");


$message  .= "<img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/items/item_$cookie_1[id].gif><img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/items/item_$cookie_3[id].gif>";

$message2 .= "$cookie_1[item_name], and a $cookie_3[item_name]";

die("$openHTML<p align=center>You won a $message2! You also got $second $pointVar!</p><p align=center>$message</p><p align=center><a href=games.php?game=$game>Back to the Game Room</a></p>$closeHTML");




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What exact problem, error, or specific question did you have about doing this? Just posting code without a statement of what problem, error, or other symptom it exhibits is pointless because without complete access to your development system or server we cannot execute your code and necessarily get the same result that you did. We must rely solely on the information that you supply in your posts.


This forum is for help with problems, errors, or questions with php code that you have written, keeping in mind that in the few hundred words that will be in a typical reply that no one can possibly convey enough information to help you write a complete application.

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