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Licensing a php application ???? help :D


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Hey guys i have been thinking how do i go about copyrighting my php application? if say i wanted to sell it on a script site such as codecanyon what can i do GPL? im foggy in this area no idea haha and what happens if someones uses a version they havnt paid for what actually can i do?? im just curious about this as im thinking of selling one i dont think there is much you can do and is there anypoint ?

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The moment something is written, made (etc) it is automatically copyrighted, as long as (obviously) it's your original work.


As for what license you should using, research into it. There are many different variations on some licenses and some are better for other things. I've only ever licensed things as open source and I generally use the BSD License, or the MIT License. They are simple, compared to the GPL which is quite long and detailed. If you plan on getting serious you're best hiring a legal professional to discuss it with you, as there are many things to consider.


Just remember, I'm not a professional so you'd be best of getting the advice from someone who really knows what they're talking about.

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