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Hi all,


I've been trying to find a simple script that can output an array of months within a given year which each contain the days for that month.


Something along the lines of this:


            [1] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [num] => 1
                            [ts] => 2011/08/01


1 being the month (jan)

0 is the day (which contains the day & full date)


Does anybody know of a script that does something along these lines as all the ones i have found seem over compliated and are outputting into tables whereas i only need this as an array?



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Thanks for your replies.


I am using Smarty PHP engine to display a calendar from the current month up until the same month in the following year.


I need to output this array in PHP so that i can use Smarty's templating scripts to output the data as i like.


I have found i can loop through a range of dates using


$curr_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 month", strtotime($curr_date)));


to add a month onto the date each iteration.


I am unsure as to how I can find out what day the month starts on and output this into an array.  :confused:


I have attatched a sample of the mini calendar I am going for.


[attachment deleted by admin]

It's ok, I did this myself eventually.


// Calendar
$cal = array();
$uid = 0;

// Current date & end date
$curr_date = date('Y-m-d');
$end_date =  date("Y-m-d", strtotime($curr_date . "+12 month"));

// Loop through year
while (strtotime($curr_date) < strtotime($end_date)) {	

// Set variables for new date
$curr_month_name = date('F', strtotime($curr_date));
$curr_month = date('n', strtotime($curr_date));
$curr_year = date('Y' , strtotime($curr_date));

$start_day = mktime(0, 0, 0, $curr_month, 1, $curr_year);
$start_day_number = date ( 'w', $start_day );
$days_in_month = date ( 't', $start_day );	

$trow = 0;
$blank_days = 0;

$blank_days = $start_day_number - 1;

if ( $blank_days < 0 ) {
   $blank_days = 7 - abs ( $blank_days );

// Prefix blank days
for ( $x = 0 ; $x < $blank_days ; $x++ ) {
   $cal[ $curr_month ][ $trow ]['num'] = null;

for ( $x = 1 ; $x <= $days_in_month ; $x++ ) {	 
   // Output ID
   $cal[ $curr_month ][ $trow ]['id'] = $uid;		  
   // Output Day
   $cal[ $curr_month ][ $trow ]['num'] = $x;	
   // Output YYYY-MM-DD
   $cal[ $curr_month ][ $trow ]['ts'] = $curr_year."-".$curr_month."-".sprintf('%02d', $x);

// Append Blank Days
while ( ( ( $days_in_month + $blank_days ) % 7 ) != 0 ) {
   $cal[ $curr_month ][ $trow ]['num'] = null;	   

// Add 1 month to current date.
$curr_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 month", strtotime($curr_date)));

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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