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I need HELP ! im stressed out my forum gave me a msg 404


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Ok hi all,.


Im sorry I bump in without introducing,. but im having a mature problem



I have a dog forum: http://www.lepetitchien.net/forum

Its up and running for about 3 mnths and goes really well.. very active etc.

But when i tried to install a new chat feature on my ftp n a new folder.

And that didnt work out after i changed the chmod of that folder.. my forum and my portal that is in a different folder s gone. Its all on my server but i do get the essage 404 not found.


Please im havng a festival i need to attend. and my partner in USa does not have a clue aout the technial issues.  If you need ftp info and can help me out, please do.

Im just stressing out here!


Thanks Priscilla

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Ok here i go:


I have a forum on my ftp with a portal page.

I wanted to instal a free phpbb chat on the site. (not on he forum or portal page) but in my main site: in my public_html i uploaded a folder call cha and uploaded the content that was in the zipfolder i dwnloaded.

Then in the install instructions it said chmod it to 777. I did that and when i wanted to reply to a forum post in the mean while. i got that error.

So i got scared.. and deleted the whole chat folder.

My forum is in another folder.

and there is also my portal page.


So since i deleted the chat folder its still same error message.


hope you understand,. and thanks for your help ! :D


The page you have linked to gives a 500 error, which is a misconfigred server. The additional 404 is because your 'nice' error page is also missing.


You need to explain exactly what it is you did.

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you want to look in it yourself?

I can email you my ftp login.



The steps you have described couldn't possibly cause the error, if that is indeed what you have done.


What are the permissions (including owner / group) on the files & directories within your public_html directory now?

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