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Hi All,


New to PHP. Thanks for the invitation to introduce myself.


I own Hype Rain Studio. I am a designer by trade who is studying to be a programmer. I have some background with AS3 and Javascript, but since I don't do it much at all, I don't consider myself a programmer. I do understand the concepts very well, but I just haven't done it enough.


I am, however at an "advanced intermediate" level with HTML & CSS.


I was going to start with Coldfusion, but thought it wise to start with PHP.  I have decided to start my studies with Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP Training from the Source by David Powers (this book will be the impetus for most of the questions I will ask, here). From there, I will keep working through exercises in other books and videos to keep in practice until I my client load starts to keep me writing code all the time.


I hope to become and expert and begin to answer questions for other members, once I achieve some semblance of fluency with the language.






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Hello  hype_rain and welcome to the boards,


I wouldn't bother with any PHP for Dreamweaver books for PHP. Dreamweaver writes some of the worst PHP code around and besides, you really should learn the language itself, not just how to have Dreamweaver produce code for you.


You can still use Dreamweaver as your editor though.

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Well taken. I understand your point. Also, The interface really is getting on my nerves. Just as with HTML / CSS, it is often so much easier just to write the stuff by hand. What book would you recommend? Also, what makes DW code so bad? Certainly would like to beware of that stuff so I can avoid it.


Thanks, Thorpe.

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There's a good free book/wiki (Hudzilla) in my signature, I think its also available in print.


what makes DW code so bad?


Because Dreamweaver (or any IDE / Tool for that matter) can't actually think like humans can and programming involves quit a bit of decision making. Dreamweaver has to write code to cover all basses, which often leads to allot of unnecessary and convoluted code.

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good deal, Thorpe. Makes all the sense in the world. I have already begun reading the book and am looking forward putting the stuff to work. Regarding, the IDE overkill observation, I can easily see how this would be a fact of life with such tools.


I will be talking with you more, I'm sure.



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