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On URL Change

The Little Guy

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There are ways of doing it, but it requires I little bit of work. I assume this is so you can have Ajax functionality while still being able to bookmark.


The way I have done it in the paste is to use a simple MVC pattern. You need a controller function which is called on every click, this then checks the url and executes a function accordingly.

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Yeah your pretty much right :)


Right now, I have a function called loadBody(). this loads the body, and changes the url (like posted above). After I posted this, and did some more research, the only conclusion I could come to was to set an interval.


The main reason I want this is so I can have a "history", because if I press the back button nothing would happen. But when I added the following code, it works, but I am not sure how hard that is on the browser, especially if it is run for say an hour.

var interval = setInterval('watchWindow()', 200);
function watchWindow(){
var wlocation = window.location.hash.toString();
if(wlocation != clocation){
	var loca = window.location.toString();
	var qstring = loca.match(/#(.+)/);
	if(qstring != null)
		var qstrings = qstring[1].split('&');
	if(qstring != null){
		for(var i=0; i<qstrings.length;i++){
			tmp = qstrings[i].split('=');
				v = tmp[1];
				ext = tmp[0];
				val = tmp[1];
	clocation = wlocation;
	loadBody(v, ext, val);


Does that all make sense?

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What I have seems to work fine... I have left the site running for 8+ hours, and there seems to be no cache build up or anything slowing down my computer or browser. But... I have only tried that with Chrome, so that doesn't mean a different browser wouldn't start to slow down the computer and/or browser.


Any thoughts?

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