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Hi everyone;


I have recently launched a website that really has absolutely nothing on it. I need a bit help --


I'm not really experienced in PHP, but I am an expert in Lua, so the syntax makes sense to me.


I have become extremely desperate googling 'PHP login/register system' and have clicked almost every result. I can't seem to find one I want.


Basically, I just want a register page, a login page, and a logout button.


I actually have found that on google, however, I couldn't figure out how to make it save the session [or whatever you call it].


For example, someone logs in.. I want it to say "Welcome, ______! Logout?"


And have it stay that way on all the pages. Do I have to have this data save to their cookies or something? If someone could give me a simple system, I would REALLY appreciate it. Thanks :D

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Programming help forums can really only help with specific questions, specific problems, or specific errors with code that you can post.


If you have a script that you are using, you can post the relevant sections of it, along with a specific question, problem, or error you are having with it and likely get some help in a programming help forum.

Hey, try this http://www.evolt.org/node/60384

It uses sessions, can use cookies to remember people (i.e. remember me next time)..

There are some session variables (you can of course create more) like for your example

it would be ---      Welcome $session->username  <a href="process.php">Logout?</a>...


check it out, and give it a go.

Hello, LimeMonster.


All have to start one day, right.


Start with a book called: PHP for Dummies (Best Way is to go to your local book store and order it there to help your local economy instead of some WTF-commerce)


My rememberence reminds me that it does have "Login, Member, etc. pp." in description in it.


ps: Then have a travel with a train - a few hours - to a nearby city! Read it up onwards. So you can dive into the material freely. That'll be a good start. And have a good tea or coffee there.





There is one book that I have used in the past that explains how to design what you are trying to do. The book's ISBN is: 0-7821-4279-6


I am in no way endorsing this book for profit but it is very useful. The book has more than it's fair share of typos but if you understand the logical process of programming, you should have no problem. If you go to Amazon, you can find the book very cheap. Hope this helps.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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