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Currently im using the following script in an attemp to preview local images before submitting them but it doesnt change...

        <tr><td class="text">Image:</td>
            <td><img id="icon" class="world">
                <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="5000" /><input type="file" name="char_pic" size="15" class="char_pic" onclick="icon.src = 'file:///' + this.value" /></td></tr>

does anyone know why? the file exists...
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hey, cool. it works.

problem is the onClick. Clicking the button opens the browse window while the javascript attempts to load an unselected image to the image source. After you select a picture, click it again and the image pops right up.

maybe onclick isn't the right way to do this? maybe a <body onFocus> or something?
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hrm body focus doesnt work out for me just due to the theme script which goes basicly like...


where {MAIN} is it loads all the info into. so yeah... accessing body easily doesnt work very well. ;)

i changed it to onChange... doesnt work
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What about a setInterval that checks this.value for a value every three or five seconds. Onclick starts the setInterval, and the function called by setInterval will assign the image source and unset the interval upon finding a value?
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[code=php:0]var my_var = setInterval("somefunction",5000);[/code]

That would fire the function every five seconds.


[b]PS>[/b] it is case sensitive and firefox is very very case sensitive. Also, the quotes aren't listed in the manuel, however, I found that firefox wouldn't work without quoting the function to call.
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