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error message...


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Hi Guys


I would like to have the error message (mandatory fields * are...) to show up only if one of those mandatory fields isn't filled out. Have you got an idea what's wrong with this script? Any help would be highly appreciated.






<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="de-ch" lang="de-ch">


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

    <link rel="Stylesheet" href="styles.css" />



    <div id="main_cont">

        <div id="title">

            <img src="ZEIT8.jpg" alt="" /></div>


        <div id="content">




<span id="error">MANDATORY FIELDS * ARE: ISIN, CURRENCY, CUSTODY A/C, QUANTITY, T/D, V/D, SELLER, CUSTODIAN</span><br /><br /><script>

function SetValues(id,number)


var Ids = new Array();

var Currency = new Array();

var Names = new Array();

Ids[1] = "1";Currency[1] = "USD";Names[1] = "FIDELITY ASIAN";Ids[2] = "2";Currency[2] = "GBP";Names[2] = "LEO SMALL PEARL";Ids[3] = "3";Currency[3] = "EUR";Names[3] = "VONTOBEL CLASSIC";Ids[4] = "4";Currency[4] = "JPY";Names[4] = "HSBC TECHNOLOGY";Ids[41] = "5";Currency[5] = "JPY";Names[5] = "OPPENHEIM EASTERN EUROPE";if(Ids[id])


  document.getElementById('Currency').value = Currency[id];

  document.getElementById('Name').value = Names[id];




  document.getElementById('Currency').value = 'Select ISIN';

  document.getElementById('Name').value = 'Select ISIN';




function verify()


var message = '';


  if(!(document.getElementById('Quantity').value == parseInt(document.getElementById('Quantity').value)))

  message = message + 'QUANTITY MUST BE NUMERIC!';


  reZip = new RegExp(/(^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$)|(^$)/);


  message = message + '\nTRADE DATE FORMAT MUST BE YYYY-MM-DD !';


  message = message + '\nSETTLEMENT DATE FORMAT MUST BE YYYY-MM-DD !';




else {


  return false;}


function switc(val)


  document.getElementById('xxx').style.visibility = (val == 'switch') ? 'visible' : 'hidden';




  return false;




<form name="createT" method="post"  action="">

<input type='hidden' name='type' value='purchase'/>       



  <legend>FUND DETAILS</legend>

    <table border=0>   


      <td align="right"><span style='color:#FF0000'>ISIN*</span></td>


          <select name='security1' onchange='SetValues(this.value,"0")'>

          <option value='0'>       selection</option>

          <option value='1'>LU.000'000'000'0</option>

          <option value='2'>CH.111'111'111'1</option>

          <option value='3'>DE.222'222'222'2</option>

          <option value='4'>US.333'333'333'3</option>

          <option value='5'>KY.444'444'444'4</option>




      <td align="right"><span style='color:#FF0000'>CURRENCY*</span></td>

      <td><select name="currency" id="currency" class="dropdown">

        <option value="">selection</option>

        <option value="1">USD</option>

        <option value='2'>EUR</option>

        <option value='3'>GBP</option>

        <option value='4'>JPY</option>

        <option value='5'>CHF</option>






    <td colspan="4">

      <div class='notification'>IF ISIN IS NOT IN THE DATABASE, JUST ADD IT IN THE "REMARKS" FIELD</div>





    <td align="right">FUND NAME</td>


    <td colspan="3">

      <input class="norm" type="text" size="61" name="Name" id="Name"  /></div>





    <td align="right"><span style='color:#FF0000'>QUANTITY*</span></td>



      <input class="norm" type="text" name="Quantity" id="Quantity" /></div>



      <td><span style='color:#FF0000'>CUSTODY A/C*</span></td> 

      <td><select name="client" id="client" class="dropdown">

        <option value="">    selection</option>

        <option value="1">S1  (REG.)</option>

        <option value='2'>S2  (RESTR.)</option>

        <option value='3'>S3  (U.S.)</option>                 






      <td align="right"><span style='color:#FF0000'>TRADE DATE*</span></td>



        <input class="norm" type="text" name="Trade_Date" id="Trade_Date" /></div>



      <td align="right"><span style='color:#FF0000'>VALUE DATE*</span></td>


        <input class="norm" type="text" name="Settlement_Date" id="Settlement_Date" /></div>






    <br />




      <legend>SELLER DETAILS</legend>



          <td align="right"><span style='color:#FF0000'>SELLER*</span></td>


          <td colspan="4">

          <input class="norm" type="text" size="58" name="Partner" id="Partner" /></div>





          <td align="right">BIC (SELLER)</td>



          <input class="norm" type="text" name="BIC_Partner" id="BIC_Partner" /></div>



          <td width="220px" align="right"> </td>




          <td align="right"><span style='color:#FF0000'>CUSTODIAN*</span></td>


          <td colspan="4">

          <input class="norm" type="text" size="58" name="Custodian" id="Custodian" /></div>





          <td align="right">BIC (CUSTODIAN)</td>



          <input class="norm" type="text" name="Custodian_BIC" id="Custodian_BIC" /></div>





          <td align="right">CLIENT A/C WITH CUST.</td>


          <td><input class="norm" type="text" name="client_ac_cust" id="client_ac_cust" value=""/></td>




          <td align="right">TRANSFER AGENT</td>


          <td colspan="4">

          <input class="norm" type="text" size="58" name="TA_Name" id="TA_Name" /></div></td>




          <td align="right">BIC (TA)</td>


          <td><input class="norm" type="text" name="TA_BIC" id="TA_BIC" /></div></td>




          <td align="right">CUSTODIAN A/C WITH T/A</td>


          <td><input class="norm" type="text" name="cust_ac_ta" id="cust_ac_ta" value=""/></td>




          <td align="right">REMARKS</td>


          <td colspan="4">

          <input class="norm" type="text" size="58" name="comment" id="comment" /></div></td>






        <br />




          <input style="float:center;" type="submit" value="GET FUND" name="button" onclick='return verify();'/>




        <br />     









        <br />




          <legend>ORDER SUBMITTED</legend>



            <td align="right">DATE</td>


            <td><input class="norm" type="text" name="date" id="date" value=""/></td>


            <td align="right">TIME</td>


            <td><input class="norm" type="text" name="time" id="time" /></td>













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