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Hey all, I hope this is the right forum... if not someone can move it!


So, here is my idea:


I have a database of "Cards" for the game NHL 11, for the mode Hockey Ultimate Team,... check out the database/page here: http://www.hutcommunity.com/Database/


Basically, all that info is a direct representation of the MySQL Database.


Now, in the game, you can add "Training" Cards to the players, as per however many "Training Slots" they have.


The training cards can be like +5 SKT, +9 SKT, +3 All, which adds +3 to all their stats.


So my idea is that when you click on a players name or picture, you get a new page, called "Training Page" or something, and you get all the player info, with... well its hard to describe, but ive made a excel 2010 spreadsheet to kind of give you the idea im looking for.


See the attachment for the spreadsheet.


Now, the information that these people wont be able to be saved, just observed to see how they can train X player...


So, I have no idea where to start, and if anyone can give me some ideas or point me in the right direction, that would be great!




[attachment deleted by admin]

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No need to do that, really. I just want the OP to be aware that not posting the code in the forum is going to seriously limit the number of responses they get.


Well sorry... its just a spreadsheet... ive got 40+ posts here...


anyways... how would i post a excel spreadsheet code chief?

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Probably the best thing would be to just copy the titles and first few rows, or format it into a table on your website and provide a link to the page, or possibly even a screenshot of it.




I uploaded it to google... hows that?

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