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Can't figure out how to link PHPmyadmin tables with .php file I did not create


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Hey Everyone,


I am fairly new to PHP and attending college to learn it. Thing is I need to get this PHP site running A.S.A.P but I am having trouble to do so.


Quick Explanation: This site was created by a developer in Italy who was hosting it (Dont Ask). He recently transferred the site to my hosting company here in the U.S. with all the PHP files and Instructions that I really dont understand. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. The instructions are below.


Some key elements to know about the website:

    - index.php is the home PHP page wrapper;

    - folders \en and \es represent the localized version of the pages;

    - \en\index.php is the graphic home page;

    - Each language folder has a subfolder named "immagini" (images); if you

take an image, for example "flower", and you bring it to this subfodler

with this name "flowerIMG.jpg" it will be automatically loaded as

background over the menu for the page named "flower.php"; same if you call

it "flowerSWF.swf", in this case it will load a Flash file.

    - files config.php are VERY important to establish database connection;

please pay attention on it because nothing will work if parameters are

incorrect. You must correct both config.php and all \xx\config\config.php.


About the database, there are many tables, but the vital to let the website

work are:


Table "lingue" (languages)

    Fields: ID int, descIng text, descLng text, ext text

    Remarks: fill one row per language; "ext" is the extension corresponding

to the subfolder in the root

    Example:  2, Spanish, Espanol, es


Table "menu"

    Fields: ID int, pos int, link text, desc1 text, desc2 text, .....

    Remarks: one row per menu header; desc1 corresponds to description

connected to ID=1 on table "lingue" and so on; link is the link to the page

when user presses the button; pos is the position, left (min) to right (max)

    Example:  1, 1, company.php, COMPANY PROFILE, EMPRESA


Table "sub_menu"

    Fields: ID int, idMenu int, pos int, link text, desc1 text, desc2 text,


    Remarks: same to previous, with idMenu corresponding to ID in table



Table "news"

    Fields: ID int, data datetime, in_evidenza tinyint, link text, titolo1

text, sottotitolo1 text, titolo2 text, sottotitolo2 text, .....

    Remarks: "data" indicates date of news; "in_evidenza": default 0, with

value 1 shows the current news at the top of the home page and not only in

the list of news; "titolo" is the main title; "sottotiolo" is a little

wider description with more information about thew article, while "link"

refers to the PHP page containing the full news.


Table "documenti" (file to download, that I normally put in the \files


    Fields: ID int, pos int, in_evidenza tinyint, link text, counter int,

desc1 text, desc2 text, .....

    Remarks: same to previous; in addition, counter has default=0 and is

automatically incremented by 1 each time link is called from a user.



This is just the basement, but it should allow you to run it for the first

time. Call me tomorrow so that I can give you further instructions if



Talk to you soon, bye.

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