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Select from table having constraints from related table


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Hello all,


currently I have 3 tables. Users, Sessions and SessionsUsers. The SessionsUsers is a table to accommodate the many-to-many relationship that the tables Users and Sessions have. It has two columns sessions_id and users_id


However, I have one constrain when I select from the table Sessions. This table has id, session_names, session_capacity and registered. What I want to do is to retrieve only the session_names and ids that have session_capacity greater than the count of each session_id in the SessionsUsers table (i.e., I don't want to fetch sessions that their capacity is already full with users).


What I am currently doing is to calculate the capacity via a grouping and counting on the SessionsUsers table by session_id and updating the column registered in the Sessions table at the beginning of the application.


This works good enough but I was wondering whether I could select the not full sessions without doing all these updates with a single select statement. I am pretty sure it can be done but I cannot seem to figure out how. Maybe some combination of Joins, groupby and having but still no success.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.




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Thanks... works perfectly with the only change in the left join instead of having regular on s.id = u.session_id.


Don't know why though the original, without the change was not working ...


Cheers and thank you again!!!


However it works only if I have at least on record in the table. If no record is there it does not return any results. Why is that?

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You mean to say that if I write LEFT JOIN on s.id = u.session_id I have essentially an INNER JOIN? Because I do use LEFT JOIN. The way you have written the query (with the USING clause) I get an error.


Is something I didn't get? Can you please elaborate a bit more why the query fails when using the USING clause?




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Thank you for your help!!


By the way the glitch I was talking about ("However it works only if I have at least on record in the table. If no record is there it does not return any results. Why is that?" ) it just the outcome of my not paying attention to detail.


I am using doctrine so I was not adding ->select('Sessions s')->leftJoin('s.SessionParticipant'). Doctrine internal if it doesn't see the s in the leftJoin it just translates into select from Sessions,Participants where....


Anyway. Just for future reference to others.


Thanks again.

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