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Im having a problem and I just cant seem to solve it.


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This is how it should look.

basic xml file


but this is how it looks.


mysql php xml file with category's.


This is whats making it so hard the category's

Im using 3 tables one table is for my friends

and one table is the category folder name

and the other table is the picture holder with the category folder name


so I thought i could do a if statement

if user_folder = user_folder


from the two tables it would keep the correct images in the correct category.

But 3 weeks later still no luck.


Heres what I got so far.

//lets get the mysql connection information.
include "../../connect.php";
//we need this because the flash stores the xml file in temp internet history.
Header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
Header('Pragma: no-cache');
//ok flash sent out the username
$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['username']);
//ok flash sent out the folder name
$user_folder = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['user_folder']);

$user_folder = (isset($_GET['friend'])) ? ' AND b.user_folder = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['user_folder']) . '\' ' : NULL;
//this part will be used becasue we need to see if friendship has ben made.
$friend = (isset($_GET['friend'])) ? ' AND b.friend = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['friend']) . '\' ' : NULL;
//Ok lets select the username from the accounts table to see if they are a user..
$get_username = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = '$username'";
$username_results = mysql_query($get_username) or die("Data not found."); 
//Get the number of results from the query.
$check_username_mysql_rows = mysql_num_rows($username_results);

//If there is a match for the username, echo the the users xml data.
if($check_username_mysql_rows == 1) 

$sql1 = "SELECT a.username,a.user_folder,b.username FROM user_image_folders as a JOIN `user_friends_list` as b ON (b.friend = a.username)WHERE (b.username = '$username' $user_folder $friend AND b.status = 1)";
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);

$sql = "SELECT a.username,a.user_folder,a.user_folder,a.large_pic,a.small_pic,a.pic_title,a.pic_discription,b.username FROM user_photo_gallery as a JOIN `user_friends_list` as b ON (b.friend = a.username)WHERE (b.username = '$username' $user_folder $friend AND b.status = 1)";
$result2 = mysql_query($sql);

$user_xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
$user_xml .= "<settings>\n";
$user_xml .= "<sceneHeight>600</sceneHeight>\n";
$user_xml .= "<sceneWidth>1000</sceneWidth>\n";
$user_xml .= "<titleColor>#000000</titleColor>\n";
$user_xml .= "<descriptionBgAlpha>70</descriptionBgAlpha>\n";
$user_xml .= "<showFullscreenBtn>no</showFullscreenBtn>\n";
$user_xml .= "<waterMark useImage=\"no\"><![CDATA[THIS]]></waterMark>\n";
$user_xml .= "</settings>\n";
$user_xml .="<galleries>\n";

while ($i_get_myfriends = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1))

$user_xml .="<gallery theName=\"". $i_get_myfriends['user_folder'] ."\" itemsPerRow=\"3\" autoStart=\"no\" playTime=\"5\" autoResize=\"yes\" xOffset=\"5\" yOffset=\"10\" showTitleOnThumbs=\"yes\" allowDownload=\"yes\">\n";

while ($i_get_myfriends2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))
//if($i_get_myfriends['user_folder'] ==$i_get_myfriends2['user_folder'])
$user_xml .="<picture largePicture=\"". $i_get_myfriends2['large_pic'] ."\" smallPicture=\"". $i_get_myfriends2['small_pic'] ."\" theTitle=\"". $i_get_myfriends2['pic_title'] ."\"><![CDATA[". $i_get_myfriends2['pic_discription'] ."]]>\n";
$user_xml .="</picture>\n";

$user_xml .="</gallery>\n";

$user_xml .="</galleries>\n";
echo $user_xml; 
echo "Wiistream Eorror!\n";



See all the images are going into one folder.. and they are sopost to go into the friends folder it they are the friends pictures.


but they are all in my folder..




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