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Problem with sessions

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I have am experiencing a very curious problem. I run a home-made message board with about a thousand active users and a very small handful of them (2 people have reported the problem so far) seem to be experiencing loss of session data.


At first, I thought it was a problem with their browser not accepting cookies, but I tried logging their activity and saw that the session ID did not change. I got in touch with one of the users and had him run a few experiments for me. So far, I have found that the issue seems to be completely browser-independant. The user tested several browsers on Windows, as well as on his mobile device. I then asked if the mobile device was on WiFi or 3G. It was on WiFi, meaning it shared public IP with his desktop. I asked him to shut off WiFi and try again from 3G, and guess what. That problem disappeared... which makes it seem like the issue is linked to IP addresses.


I don't even have the slightest clue about how to solve this. I am running my own server; here is my phpinfo: http://caffie.net/phpinfo.php

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