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I have parts of my webpage protected with the following

} else {
	$username = $_SESSION['myusername'];

How secure is this?


The goal is so people who don't have access to the page (don't have a login account) cannot get access


Thanks for any tips


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The posted code is not secure at all. You need an exit; statement after your header() redirect to prevent the remainder of the code on the 'protected' page from being executed.

As I understand, using a header() redirect acts as an implicit exit statement, doesn't it? If not, could I just put a die() statement?

The posted code is not secure at all. You need an exit; statement after your header() redirect to prevent the remainder of the code on the 'protected' page from being executed.

As I understand, using a header() redirect acts as an implicit exit statement, doesn't it? If not, could I just put a die() statement?


It does not and if I have redirection turned off in my browser I get to see the rest of the page. :)


   } else {
      $username = $_SESSION['myusername'];

The only thing a header() statement does is send a HTTP header to the browser - http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php

Wow I never knew that!


I just did a little sample to test this...

header('Location: login.php');
$db->execute_statement("insert into test_table values('my value')");

And it inserted a value into the DB


So what should I put after header() to end it there? I can't do die() because it will just stop executing the code and not actually redirect...


I could just put the main body of my code into the else block. So:

} else {
	$username = $_SESSION['myusername'];
	// Remainder of code goes here

Would that suffice?


The level of security also depends on your host's setup(assuming shared host). If the session files are stored in a publicly readable directory such as /tmp (the default) and a little work I could hijack those sessions.


As a general rule I would set the session_save_path

ini_set("session.save_path", "/path/to/your/sessions/");

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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