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i don't understand why this code is working under IE8, but not under Firefox 3.1 or Chrome 8. Can you please help? I don't see what's wrong.


            if ($a_korisnici == 1) { echo '<a href="korisnici.php"><img src="images/korisnici.gif" width="118" height="13" alt="korisnici"></a>'; } else { echo "";}
            if ($a_clanovi == 1) { echo "<a href='clanovi.php'><img src='images/clanovi.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='clanovi'></a>"; } else { echo ""; } 
            if ($a_slike == 1) { echo "<a href='upload.php'><img src='images/upload.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='upload'></a>"; } else { echo ""; } 
            if ($a_vijesti == 1) { echo "<a href='vijesti.php'><img src='images/vijest.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='vijest'></a>"; } else { echo ""; } 
            if ($a_natjecanja == 1) { echo "<a href='natjecanja.php'><img src='images/natje.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='natjecanja'></a>"; } else { echo ""; } 
            if ($a_newsletter == 1) { echo "<a href='newsletter.php'><img src='images/newsletter.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='newsletter'></a>"; } else { echo ""; } ?>

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Hi thorpe,


Ihave went through it once again, but I don't understand. The compelt code is below...


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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        <p><?php echo "Dobrodošao $ime $prezime, <br /> Ovdje se nalaze informacije samo za članove WTC Karlovac. Sve informacije vezane za tebe, kao korisnika ove stranice su vidljive samo tebi i administratoru ove stranice. Sve osobne informacije neće biti vidljive ostalim članovima ili posjetiteljima ove stranice. Ukoliko imate pitanja ili želite da se neke informacije ne prikazuju, slobodno obavijestite administratora."; ?></p>
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		if ($a_korisnici == 1) { echo '<a href="korisnici.php"><img src="images/korisnici.gif" width="118" height="13" alt="korisnici"></a>'; } else { echo "";}
		if ($a_clanovi == 1) { echo "<a href='clanovi.php'><img src='images/clanovi.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='clanovi'></a>"; } else { echo ""; } 
		if ($a_slike == 1) { echo "<a href='upload.php'><img src='images/upload.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='upload'></a>"; } else { echo ""; } 
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		if ($a_newsletter == 1) { echo "<a href='newsletter.php'><img src='images/newsletter.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='newsletter'></a>"; } else { echo ""; } ?>
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				<span>17 december</span><br />
				<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sectetu adip scing varius interdum incid unt quis, libero. Aenean mturpis. Maecenas hendrerit masa laoreet iaculipede mnisl ulamcorper.Tellus er sodales enim, in tincidunt mauris in odio. Massa ac laoreet iaculipede nisl ullamcorpermassa, ac consectetuer feipsum eget pede.  Proin nunc. Donec massa. Nulla pulvinar, nisl ac convallis nonummy, tellus eros sodales enim, in tincidunt mauris in odio.  
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	<p>Werdum Combat Team Karlovac |  Dizajn by B&D | Webmaster: [email protected]</p>
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Because I'm using a href link inside PHP tags and they are not working in some browsers! When I'm using a href as plain HTML everything is OK. That's why I'm showing the PHP peace of code. That peace of code is failing for some reason. I can see the pictures, but there is no link when you try to click on them...

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OK, so,


When I click view source, this is what I get, but when I try to click on it, nothing happens.


<p align="center">
        <a href="korisnici.php"><img src="images/korisnici.gif" width="118" height="13" alt="korisnici"></a><a href='clanovi.php'><img src='images/clanovi.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='clanovi'></a><a href='upload.php'><img src='images/upload.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='upload'></a><a href='vijesti.php'><img src='images/vijest.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='vijest'></a><a href='natjecanja.php'><img src='images/natje.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='natjecanja'></a><a href='newsletter.php'><img src='images/newsletter.gif' width='118' height='13' alt='newsletter'></a>           </p>


Any ideas?

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