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I have been putting together a small project with an MySQL db and php. I am having trouble passing a date variable from a text input into a sql statement within php. I think I am going about this in the right way but I am confused as to what I need to do to finish off the code and make it work.

$data = $_POST['datepicker']; 	//this line gets the string from the form text input box and assigns to var $data
$time = strtotime($data);		//this line converts the string $data to time (strtotime) and = $time unix time stamp	
$mydate = date('Y m d',$time);	//this line formats date into Y m d from the time stamp $time and = $mydate
echo $mydate;					//print to screen as test function to view

and the following sql called from php

$result = mysql_query( //collects that data from the table
								"SELECT Room.roomName, booking.*
								FROM Room, booking
								WHERE (bookingDate = . "$mydate" .) AND booking.roomID = Room.roomID
								ORDER BY roomName, startTime"


Thanks in advance for any guidance


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The date is placed in a text box in the following format DD/MM/YYYY from a form on another page.


By finish off I mean that this code does not work, the sql statement will not accept the variable $mydate. If I replace this with currdate() the sql works fine so I am guessing that the error is in the php prior to the sql statement?

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