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Hi, I am trying to search a string for a string of characters in this order ../ and carry out relevant if statements but it returns the same result every time. On echoing my $pos, $pos2, $pos3 and $pos4 variables the first two come back 0 and they are the strings that do contain ../ but the if statements perform the same? I don't understand, any ideas? Thanks...


<?php $logo = $info ['logo'];
	$pos = strpos($logo, "../");//check if image contains ../
	if ($pos == 0) {}
	else {
	$logo = substr($logo, 3);}

	$image1 = $info ['image1'];
	$pos1 = strpos($image1, "../");//check if image contains ../
	if ($pos1 == 0) {}
	else {
	$image1 = substr($image1, 3);}

	$image2 = $info ['image2'];
	$pos2 = strpos($image2, "../");//check if image contains ../
	if ($pos2 == 0) {}
	else {
	$image2 = substr($image2, 3);}

	$image3 = $info ['image3'];
	$pos3 = strpos($image3, "../"); //check if image contains ../
	if ($pos3 == 0) {}
	else {
	$image3 = substr($image3, 3);}


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$logo = $info ['logo'];
	$pos = strpos($logo, "../");//check if image contains ../
	if ($pos != 0) {}
	else {
	$logo = substr($logo, 3);}

	$image1 = $info ['image1'];
	$pos1 = strpos($image1, "../");//check if image contains ../
	if ($pos1 != 0) {}
	else {
	$image1 = substr($image1, 3);}

	$image2 = $info ['image2'];
	$pos2 = strpos($image2, "../");//check if image contains ../
	if ($pos2 != 0) {}
	else {
	$image2 = substr($image2, 3);}

	$image3 = $info ['image3'];
	$pos3 = strpos($image3, "../"); //check if image contains ../
	if ($pos3 != 0) {}
	else {
	$image3 = substr($image3, 3);}

hm, now the logic is different. it looks like you just changed == to !=, but still left the empty brackets, {} and the else. it really helps readability if you remove the unnecessary empty brackets. easier to read == easier to fix, and can we see what's in $logo?


$logo = $info['logo'];

echo "logo: $logo <br />";

$pos = strpos($logo, "../");//check if image contains ../
if ($pos != 0) {
$logo = substr($logo, 3);
$image1 = $info ['image1'];
$pos1 = strpos($image1, "../");//check if image contains ../
if ($pos1 != 0) {
$image1 = substr($image1, 3);
$image2 = $info ['image2'];
$pos2 = strpos($image2, "../");//check if image contains ../
if ($pos2 != 0) {
$image2 = substr($image2, 3);
$image3 = $info ['image3'];
$pos3 = strpos($image3, "../"); //check if image contains ../
if ($pos3 != 0) {
$image3 = substr($image3, 3);

Alteratively use could always use Ternary Operators

Link: http://www.totallyphp.co.uk/tutorials/using_if_else_ternary_operators.htm

Link: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php

      $logo   = strstr($info['logo'],'../')   ? substr($info['logo'], 3)   : 'NULL';
      $image1 = strstr($info['image1'],'../') ? substr($info['image1'], 3) : 'NULL';
      $image2 = strstr($info['image2'],'../') ? substr($info['image2'], 3) : 'NULL';
      $image3 = strstr($info['image3'],'../') ? substr($info['image3'], 3) : 'NULL';

      echo '<pre>';
      echo 'Logo: '.$logo.'<br>';
      echo 'Image 1: '.$image1.'<br>';
      echo 'Image 2: '.$image2.'<br>';
      echo 'Image 3: '.$image3.'<br>';


Regards, Paul.

Hi BlueSkyIS, $logo contains: logo: ../uploads/pretendloog.jpg - with those alterations it performs as before.



Hi Paul Ryan, that almost works but how do I stop NULL from replacing the contents of the variable if ../ is not present?


Thanks for your time all

Simple :) just put the original array element as the result if it doesn't contain the string you're looking for.


      $logo   = strstr($info['logo'],'../')   ? substr($info['logo'], 3)   : $info['logo'];
      $image1 = strstr($info['image1'],'../') ? substr($info['image1'], 3) : $info['image1'];
      $image2 = strstr($info['image2'],'../') ? substr($info['image2'], 3) : $info['image2'];
      $image3 = strstr($info['image3'],'../') ? substr($info['image3'], 3) : $info['image3'];

      echo '<pre>';
      echo 'Logo: '.$logo.'<br>';
      echo 'Image 1: '.$image1.'<br>';
      echo 'Image 2: '.$image2.'<br>';
      echo 'Image 3: '.$image3.'<br>';


Regards, Paul.

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