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including files that are moved around

The Little Guy

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I am making a framework for my site, and I have a folder which defines some things. One thing it defines is the location of the frame work:

define('FRAMEWORK', '../../../framework');


Next I include a specific class that I include:

include FRAMEWORK.'/commons/Music.php';


This class extends the main framework

include '../Weblyize.php';
class Music extends Weblyize{
// Some code


This issue I am currently having is Warning: include(../Weblyize.php) the file Weblyize.php is a directory above Music.php


So, here is where the webpage is located:


Here is where the two classes are located (sub classes are in commons)


What is a good way to link the files together with out this breaking no matter where the framework directory is located?

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Here is the error when using absolute:

Warning: include(../Weblyize.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\framework\commons\Music.php on line 2


Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../Weblyize.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\framework\commons\Music.php on line 2


Fatal error: Class 'Weblyize' not found in C:\wamp\www\framework\commons\Music.php on line 3

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I want to redistribute this framework, So I have no Idea where the user will put it. I want to make it dynamic.


Every framework that I have ever used simply gets put where ever you like, then the directory containing all the classes is added to php's inlcude_path.


You should take a look at how frameworks such as Zend go about it, even PEAR works the same way.

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Actually, doing what you have done will also break the current include_path, meaning that things like PEAR will no longer work. Make sure you always add to the include_path, don't just override it.


set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . FRAMEWORK);

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