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I am in the process of switching over to a  unix server,

and I found the dir program I use in development now sorts the unix way by date


MySQL client version 5.1.52

PHP  latest


Below in my script how do I change the output to sort by name please

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/tableLL.css">

function humansize($size) {

    $kb = 1024;         // Kilobyte

    $mb = 1024 * $kb;   // Megabyte

    $gb = 1024 * $mb;   // Gigabyte

    $tb = 1024 * $gb;   // Terabyte

        if($size < $kb) return $size."B";

    else if($size < $mb) return round($size/$kb,0)."KB";

    else if($size < $gb) return round($size/$mb,0)."MB";

    else if($size < $tb) return round($size/$gb,0)."GB";

    else return round($size/$tb,2)."TB";


// get local directory path

$path= dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);


<h3>Files in <?php print $path; ?>:</h3>



$d = dir($path);

$icon = '';

while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {

    if ( substr($entry, 0, 1)=='.' ) continue;

    // get size

    $size = filesize($path.'/'.$entry);

    $humansize = humansize($size);

    // find filename extension

    $dotpos = strrpos($entry, '.');

    if ($dotpos) {

        $ext = substr($entry, $dotpos+1);

        if ($ext === 'jpeg' || $ext === 'gif' || $ext === 'png') {

            $icon = "<img src='$entry' style='width: 48px; height: auto; vertical-align: text-top;' alt='icon' title='$entry' />";



    print "<li><a href='$entry'>$entry</a> ($humansize) $icon</li>\n";

    $icon= '';




<hr width="100%">

I do hope someone can help




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I will try to help. However I have a slight problem. I'm using my android and I can't read your code. If you can attach it as a text file I can download it and read it. Or something so it isn't in a code block because I can't read code blocks.

okay so what you are saying is that instead of displaying the dir while the files are in, it displays the date of the dir? and i got internet on my pc for now. hopefully i keep it. thanks to my phone.

The php.net documentation only states the order in which directory entries are returned by the read method is system-dependent.


It is likely that the order is that which the entries are stored in the directory structure.


If you want your files to be listed in a specific order, you should read the names into an array and sort that array the way you want.


You many find that using a function like glob would be more suitable as it returns file names sorted alphabetically by default.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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